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1984 Mirage Bowl

Cat people are hilarious! Predictable, super f***[*] predictable, but hilarious. Just think, they actually are fans of Bozeman State, ahahahaha!

Htowngriz said:
Cat people are hilarious! Predictable, super f***[*] predictable, but hilarious. Just think, they actually are fans of Bozeman State, ahahahaha!


Is that the new one by Wheat Montana and Universal Athletics? Because, remember, they were the ones who made the rape joke in a song they ripped off from the Village People, and then threatened a copyright infringement claim when it was obviously posted on youtube. Can't make this up; it actually fucking happened! How fucking stupid can you get?!
Htowngriz said:
Cat people are hilarious! Predictable, super f***[*] predictable, but hilarious. Just think, they actually are fans of Bozeman State, ahahahaha!

How f***[*] stupid can you get?!

I don't know son, but I'm pretty sure you'll find the answer in the mirror.
I remember this game, but the highlights were worthless here. There were a couple of offensive highlights for the Griz that should've been shown.
ABQCat said:
Please stop posting videos of the grizz getting destroyed in record setting fashion. Thanks.

I've scoured the internet searching for such videos just to piss you off. Fruitless. I have, however, seen so many videos of piss poor Bobcat football. Some highlights include the 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, and 2014 Cat-Griz games. I remember seeing one year where the Cats didn't even win a single game, haha! Most years they embarrassed the State of Montana. Joke program.

This one was my fave because LTCF makes a cameo about 2 seconds before it cuts out. I was at this one. It was so adorable how the Cat fans thought they were going to win for a little bit.

Just watching some old vids on Youtube. IDK who Thrashedkid is, but I find myself watching his vids a lot. Thanks, buddy! Anyway, this is a good one that spans a couple eras of players. Weird to think that State U had real grass as recently as 2007! RoLOLovich at QB! Memories.

Just watching some old vids on Youtube. IDK who Thrashedkid is, but I find myself watching his vids a lot. Thanks, buddy! Anyway, this is a good one that spans a couple eras of players. Weird to think that State U had real grass as recently as 2007! RoLOLovich at QB! Memories.


Thanks for posting these. Dang you guys used to be good!
poorgriz said:
Just watching some old vids on Youtube. IDK who Thrashedkid is, but I find myself watching his vids a lot. Thanks, buddy! Anyway, this is a good one that spans a couple eras of players. Weird to think that State U had real grass as recently as 2007! RoLOLovich at QB! Memories.


Thanks for posting these. Dang you guys used to be good!

The more things change, the more they stay the same.



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