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Amanda makes The Best of Cheerleader of the Week.


Well-known member
Well cheerleading may not be considered a "Sport", but congrats to Amanda on being listed in Sports Illustrated's "The Best of Cheerleader of the Week"

My god. If Pflu can make this year's team as good as he made her, we've got nothing to worry about. :shock:
somebody needs to photoshop a picture of a Griz cheerleader outfit on her!! :thumb:
putter said:
somebody needs to photoshop a picture of a Griz cheerleader outfit on her!! :thumb:

Tried out some new features in Paintshop Pro X3:


Still too much green. Any green is too much...
Bluenoser said:
putter said:
somebody needs to photoshop a picture of a Griz cheerleader outfit on her!! :thumb:

Tried out some new features in Paintshop Pro X3:


Still too much green. Any green is too much...
Well done! However, it took me a couple of minutes to realize that the outfit was different. She is a very pretty woman.
Bluenoser said:
putter said:
somebody needs to photoshop a picture of a Griz cheerleader outfit on her!! :thumb:

Tried out some new features in Paintshop Pro X3:


Still too much green. Any green is too much...
That's what EWU is saying....
Since I don't want to be considered a dirty old man (opinions vary anyway)... what the heck does Pflu's wife look like!!! and does she have a single sister???
I have a daughter and I am looking up on the internet on ways to make her appear uglier. Good god I hope she does not want to be a cheerleader.