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Mass Murder in Maui 2023


Well-known member
That's the only way to describe it. I don't think ANY person regardless of political affiliation can call it anything else... Can people get past the power not being instantly shut off, no alarms being activated, no water being provided, and a barricade blocking Highway 30?

The Leftists will say "Climate Change" of course, but even they can't get past those 4 facts. It had Zero to do with "Climate", even Far Left Wikipedia says the temp change has only been 1 degree Celsius since before Jesus. It had to do with coordination. It's a good thing for the dude that didn't cut the power and the dude that didn't sound the alarms and the dude that didn't provide water and the dudes that put up the roadblock that they already like Heat where they are headed.

Then there's Pop Pop, when initially asked about Maui, he said "No Comment", promised everybody a whopping $700 when he wants Billions more for King Zelensky. Then he gets to Hawaii and compares it to when his Wife and Kid were killed in a car crash, and also when his "House burned down", even though the Fire was confined to the kitchen... He probably brought up his Son that was "Killed in Iraq", even though he died in the States from Chemotherapy.

Dude... Dementia or not... Have some compassion and learn to read the F'N room, Douchebag!!!

Guess what State will never vote for the Demons again?

F'N unreal tragedy according to everyone with half a F'N brain. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Land speculators descending on Maui like a plague of locusts. Rental prices, what rentals aree left, have skyrocketed. Lots of very pissed off people. Same people who voted this left wing garbage into office. Hard lesson to learn.
Yeah, maybe the people there punish the Dems for always insisting everything is about Global Warming when that doesn't exist. Zero compassion from that side, whether it's the Wildfire that took people's homes and lives or Fires and destruction that destroyed people's businesses in every other Liberal hellhole.

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