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Large number of Idaho FB players involved in brawl; lineman sucker punches son of large donor

University of Idaho in Moscow is probably one school I definitely wouldn't send my kid to. With all the bad things that have happened there in the last 5 years and how corrupt the cops seem to be and pushing things under the rug is very scary.
I don't know. I heard that Eck sent the football players ro run the M because he heard that was the punishment you're supposed to give out for things like this. I can't remember what school he learned that from...

In all seriousness that volleyball thing is crazy. The dude had a sketchy past to begin with. Then they renewed his contract didn't they? It's been a while since I read the article.
I don't know. I heard that Eck sent the football players ro run the M because he heard that was the punishment you're supposed to give out for things like this. I can't remember what school he learned that from...

In all seriousness that volleyball thing is crazy. The dude had a sketchy past to begin with. Then they renewed his contract didn't they? It's been a while since I read the article.
What do you guys have in Bozeman? A "C" for California or a "M" to remind the residents that they aren't in California any more?

Never mind, if your engineers ever tried to construct something that tall it would just collapse and probably push the Meineke Car Care center you recently built right into the sewage lagoon next to your rusted out bleacher filled stadium. The sound of that alone would scare both of your fans who are currently trapped inside port-a-potties that are decked out, appropriately with pictures of your best players.
I don't know. I heard that Eck sent the football players ro run the M because he heard that was the punishment you're supposed to give out for things like this. I can't remember what school he learned that from...

In all seriousness that volleyball thing is crazy. The dude had a sketchy past to begin with. Then they renewed his contract didn't they? It's been a while since I read the article.
What lutecat meant to say:

In all seriousness that defensive coordinator thing is crazy. WMG had a sketchy past to begin with. Then they renewed his contract didn’t they? It’s been a while since I read the article.
Coming up on 3 whole months since this planned, premeditated, felonious assault, and not a peep out of UI, and no charges brought by MPD. Other states call this a 'home invasion.'

'Timmy' has a lawyer who has, in effect, given UI 'til sundown tomorrow to make their move, otherwise...he's already mentioned 'lack of institutional control'(a NCAA term).

Strange, that you have to hire an attorney to get the Police Dept. to do their job. It's like it's well known the UI football team is untouchable. I think there's going to be a lot of heads rolling before all the dust settles.

Moral of the story: Don't punch some rich guys kid, even if he deserves it.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the divide, it's been 18 months for Garza and 12 months for Housewright.
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What lutecat meant to say:

In all seriousness that defensive coordinator thing is crazy. WMG had a sketchy past to begin with. Then they renewed his contract didn’t they? It’s been a while since I read the article.
How did I not see the opportunity to have my Egriz name be "LudaGriz," is now just the greatest disappointment of my life.
What do you guys have in Bozeman? A "C" for California or a "M" to remind the residents that they aren't in California any more?

Never mind, if your engineers ever tried to construct something that tall it would just collapse and probably push the Meineke Car Care center you recently built right into the sewage lagoon next to your rusted out bleacher filled stadium. The sound of that alone would scare both of your fans who are currently trapped inside port-a-potties that are decked out, appropriately with pictures of your best players.
This is pure poetry.
Nice to see a few more bub trolls finally amble back over here. It's a sure sign the pain and humiliation left over from the Brawl lessens with each passing day. That's healthy.
It took a while......
To me, it was more than the Griz-Cat game, and the huge margin. It was also all of these jokers who kept talking about how wonderful and deep the Cats were, and how only a couple UM starters could even get playing time for the Cats. And then the Griz getting to Frisco, and the Cats blowing a few games at the end. And the assistant coach dui and legal issues and the poor handling by the MSU administration. And the Mellott and the Cat run game couldn't be stopped stuff, or even slowed. The arrogance and lack of football knowledge of many of the Cat posters, not just trolls, and some of the fans too, were just astounding. And where's my $5,000 for betting that the Cats would not win by more than they did in 2022? And my prediction, early on, that the Griz would be favored in the game.
Strange, that you have to hire an attorney to get the Police Dept. to do their job. It's like it's well known the UI football team is untouchable. I think there's going to be a lot of heads rolling before all the dust settles.
Considering our coach got fired for saying our innocent QB was a good guy, I'd think the entire coaching staff should get canned for this.
Considering our coach got fired for saying our innocent QB was a good guy, I'd think the entire coaching staff should get canned for this.
Why should the Idaho coaches get canned? What did they do? If it's so clear that the football player, who is known apparently, sucker punched the frat kid and hurt him, that should be easy for any police/prosecutor to charge. There has to be something causing the charge not to be brought, yet. There is no way that the football coach or the college president is causing the charge not to be brought. It has to be something else.

Good point on Pflu being fired for little or nothing, and probably something he was correct on. I had breakfast with Pflu on Sunday. He's a great guy. We've become good friends over the years.
There has to be something causing the charge not to be brought, yet. There is no way that the football coach or the college president is causing the charge not to be brought. It has to be something else.
Like? Hypothetically, of course.
Like? Hypothetically, of course.
Not clear who threw first punch. Argumrnt of sekf-defense. Not ckear who threw punch. Kid felk and injured self. A bunch of witnesses taking player’s side on facts. The “identufied” player wasnt at the party, it was very dark. The frat guy had gotten into an earlier fight. With what is “known”, which is all from frat kid’s side, it’s hard to guess.
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Thanks hoops. I'm obviously not in the legal profession. It's still a bad look for MPD. It is said that 'patience is a virtue.' Guess I'm not as virtuous as I thought. Looks like I missed more than a few episodes of 'Law and Order.'
Not clear who threw first punch. Argumrnt of sekf-defense. Not ckear who threw punch. Kid felk and injured self. A bunch of witnesses taking player’s side on facts. The “identufied” player wasnt at the party, it was very dark. The frat guy had gotten into an earlier fight. With what is “known”, which is all from frat kid’s side, it’s hard to guess.
Mouse, can you fix this for me?
Nice to see a few more bub trolls finally amble back over here. It's a sure sign the pain and humiliation left over from the Brawl lessens with each passing day. That's healthy.
Yes yes it has. It's taken a little therapy. Some Journaling. A couple darkness meditation retreats. Lots of yoga. Oh and some tears shed in the champagne room of a couple gentleman's clubs. That was the most cathartic.
Yes yes it has. It's taken a little therapy. Some Journaling. A couple darkness meditation retreats. Lots of yoga. Oh and some tears shed in the champagne room of a couple gentleman's clubs. That was the most cathartic.
Never had heard of anyone crying while motorboating a stripper, but I also don't hate that image.
Why should the Idaho coaches get canned? What did they do? If it's so clear that the football player, who is known apparently, sucker punched the frat kid and hurt him, that should be easy for any police/prosecutor to charge. There has to be something causing the charge not to be brought, yet. There is no way that the football coach or the college president is causing the charge not to be brought. It has to be something else.

Good point on Pflu being fired for little or nothing, and probably something he was correct on. I had breakfast with Pflu on Sunday. He's a great guy. We've become good friends over the years.
I was being facetious considering that Phlu should also have not been fired for a players accused actions. I based my comment initially off 3-7-77’s comment that heads will roll.
Pflu(and O'Day)got Pf*cked in a mad rush to appease a political fringe. Arrested, tried, executed, then acquitted. Funny how things worked out.
It looks suspicious that MPD can't establish the facts after three months and have charges filed by now. Maybe the NCAA will look into lack of institutional control. When up to 40 players plan an attack like that, something is wrong with the program. As for MSdUi, due process keeps rolling on.

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