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Jacob Simon, son of former Griz great David Sirmon signs with the Cleavland Browns


Well-known member
The Cleavland Browns sign David Sirmons son, Jacob the QB from Northern Colorado to the Cleveland Browns. I thought this was quite amazing and I hope he can retain a spot on the team.
The Cleavland Browns sign David Sirmons son, Jacob the QB from Northern Colorado to the Cleveland Browns. I thought this was quite amazing and I hope he can retain a spot on the team.
Wow! Didn't realize he was that good. Why didn't he play for us again? I forgot.
Wow! Didn't realize he was that good. Why didn't he play for us again? I forgot.
Because he went to Washington.

And he has absolutely NO CHANCE of making a roster. He's there ONLY because the Browns need an arm in OTAs. Watson just resumed throwing, but isn't likely to participate in OTAs. Thompson-Robinson is recovering from off-season surgery. Jamesion Winston can't throw every ball in practice.
Because he went to Washington.

And he has absolutely NO CHANCE of making a roster. He's there ONLY because the Browns need an arm in OTAs. Watson just resumed throwing, but isn't likely to participate in OTAs. Thompson-Robinson is recovering from off-season surgery. Jamesion Winston can't throw every ball in practice.
Either way, to get signed by any NFL team is an accomplishment whatever the reason. And I'm happy for the kid. I wish him the best and hope he can make the practice squad. If he can do that then that's 6 figures in his bank account. And anytime a former Grizzlies son does something good, I'm all for it. Go GRIZ!!!