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Interesting Numbers.


Well-known member
Lincoln's Gettysberg address ---------268 words
Declaration of Independence---------1300 words
The Constitution of the USA ---------5000 words
The Holy Bible-----------------------773,000 words

The Federal Income Tax Code ------------9 Million and counting.

Something needs to be done about this.

***All the numbers are very close, I never counted them myself, and I was just trying to make a point.
Lincoln's Gettysberg address ---------268 words
Declaration of Independence---------1300 words
The Constitution of the USA ---------5000 words
The Holy Bible-----------------------773,000 words

The Federal Income Tax Code ------------9 Million and counting.

Something needs to be done about this.

***All the numbers are very close, I never counted them myself, and I was just trying to make a point.

It's a stale "point," lifted straight from a Steve Forbes speech and magazine article.

There's a reason no one listened to Forbes. He is no entrepreneur. He inherited daddy's magazine publishing empire.

“Another complaint: Taxes are too darn complex, especially the federal income tax code. Consider this, for starters: Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, which defined the character of the nation, is all of 268 words. The Declaration of Independence runs about 1,300 words. The Constitution, which has served us for more than 2 centuries, comes to some 5,000 words. The Holy Bible has 773,000 words. The federal income tax code and all of its attendant rules and regulations: 9 million words and rising.”
GA, I got it out of Forbes new book. I don't care where it came from it still is interesting to me that the american citizens keep letting politicians Fu*ck us the way they do.

There was another part in Forbes book that was pretty funny. While writing the book they gave a fictional tax return to 45 of the best tax professionals in the US. When they got the returns back there were 45 different refunds. There is noway something as complex as the federal tax code can be understood. Lawyers can't even do it correctly.

I can understand people that have different political ideologies, but I can't comprehend anyone not think that our tax code is ridiculous and needs to be changed. Maybe a flat tax isn't the right answer, (it's the best one I have heard) but something needs to be done.

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