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Why doesn't Montana schedule some Division I teams?



A lot of Division I-AA teams play against the top teams early in the season. I am sure you probably have been contacted by a few so why not go for it and try for a huge upset? I have seen teams like Appalacian State, Georgia Southern, Eastern Kentucky, Eastern Washington, Portland St., etc. all play top teams.

I know Montana played Hawaii a few years back but it needs to be an annual thing. I think it would help a lot to play these games as you get more publicity and television exposure.

You could play Oregon St who has played Eastern Washington and Eastern Kentucky this last year.
When 1-A teams schedule a 1-AA team they are, in essence, trying to schedule a 'W'. When you schedule the best team in 1-AA, unless you are a major program and condident of your team you are not penciling in the 'W'. I think there is too much risk scheduling a top tier div 1-AA program...the 1-A teams don't want any part of Montana...its a no win situation for them...if they win it doesn't count towards their six 'W's needed for a bowl game and in the press they'll have only beaten a 1-AA team; If they lose, well, losing to a 1-AA team would be a major setback.

I'm just speculating, I have no idea if any ADs have been talking about this, but that is just my hunch.
Not to mention the fact that UM played Hawaii LAST YEAR, as well as playing Idaho this and the previous three years. UM has also fairly recently played Oregon State ('90 and '96--UM won both games, the second very convincingly) and Oregon ('93-narrow come-from-behind loss, 35-30).

I think Sporting Life has it right--most I-A's don't want any part of the Griz; too much risk, too little reward. I've heard Georgia Southern fans say the same thing--Oregon State doesn't want any part of them, either, after GSU nearly beat them two years ago.
the only reason that 1-aa teams play 1-a teams is for money.
While every team can use more $, UM makes good $ playing home games even if the opponent isn't all that good, and does so without playing a probable loss. In all reality a team like Washington, or USC, etc "should" beat the Griz. Also, playing 1-aa teams doesn't help 1-a teams get into bowl games except 1 game every 4 years(or so).
If fans want to see the Griz play good teams, lets hope to play the top 1-aa teams, like SHS, Youngstown, Delaware, etc.
I agree Mania it is all about the money. That is why Montana Tech played Eastern Washington & Western Montana played Idaho State. I would love to see the Griz play home & home series against the best in I-AA.
Not to mention we also played Washington State University during the Dickenson era.
I would like to see the Griz play better teams but they don't need to and thats why they don't. They make basically the same amount staying in Missoulia and playing the Albany's and Northern Colorados of the World as they would playing a road game at Washington state or any other big program. Plus, like was said earlier on this thread those bigger school are scared to death to play a team like Montana. If they lose the season could basically be over if they win then their suppssed to win anyway. Another reason to play the cupcakes early is because of the playoffs the Griz played 16 games last year that the most ever by a college team if they would have played all tough games to start the season the player would get to ding up for such a long campaignh.
i would LOVE to see Montana travel down here in the south (Oklahoma, Texas) and play somebody. Being from Texas, i know how good the athletes are here and i know how competitive it is to get on with a decent college fball program. ALOT of kids would consider UM because they are one of the classiest universities in the nation in my opinion. The Griz should play someone like Sam Houston State or maybe North Texas or UTEP. I'm promising you guys that if UM does, their exposure would be nothing but positive for the athletic and academic programs. Just a thought...
OUBillyeMT: Montana has games set up with Sam Houston State University for both next year (in Missoula) and in 2004 (in Huntsville). They're also in the process of setting up games with Southwest Texas State for the same years, or those following, I can't recall which.
Montana could kick the shit out of UTEP and Baylor. I really think that Montana should schedule some lower class I-A teams who are willing to take the risk of playing you guys. It gives you exposure in the talent laden state of Texas. It could really help you recruit in Texas if you play some teams down there.
UM AD has stated the Griz will play any 1A team in the nation as long as it is a home and home deal. Only Idaho has agreed to that scenario and it is rumored they will drop out next year when they are scheduled to return to Griz Stadium. The home and homes with the Texas 1AAs will be two outstanding series. More of that is in the works.
I bet Idaho will be moving down to 1AA in 2004 as it won't qualify for 1A that year as it sits now.
Montana did schedule some division 1 teams this year, 11 to be exact, or are you referring to 1-A????
Hammer said:
Montana did schedule some division 1 teams this year, 11 to be exact, or are you referring to 1-A????

They are refering to 1-A. Don't let the subject of thread fool you.
I would love to see a home and home series between Maine and Montana scheduled in the future. How do you all feel about that? By the way, your women's hoop team plays at Maine this coming season in the Lady Bears' tourney.