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too few will read this


Well-known member
and of those that do, too few will care, but the ccp is continually contesting agreed upon borders, and expanding there territory and sphere of influence by threats and bullying weaker nations. they want to rule the world, and that's no bullshit: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/06/21/china-himalayas-bhutan-intrigue/
There is a time honored tradition on eGriz. lf not 'enough' are anticipated to read a post where it is supposed to be, then post it on the football board.
ChesterGriz said:
3-7-77 said:
There is a time honored tradition on eGriz. lf not 'enough' are anticipated to read a post where it is supposed to be, then post it on the football board.


speaking of which, here is a sad but interesting video of an interview with a woman 'influencer' from myanmar who fled to south korea because she was apparently slated for arrest. she was composed for most of it, until the end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVbfY0Qcpos

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