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This team is a dumpster fire


Well-known member
Like many sports fans, I suffer from belief perseverance.

Belief perseverance is “maintaining a belief despite new information that firmly contradicts it”.

An example of this is maintaining the belief this team will ever get back to the level of competition they used to compete at.

There is also a little bit of cognitive dissonance mixed in with the belief perseverance. I don’t really want to be a fan, but I have spen my entire life as a fan of this team, going from a young fan, to a super fan, to a realist fan… aka fake fan to the super fans.

That said, the moves made by Big Game Bob are nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

This team is gonna be so lucky if they don’t lose more players to the portal and actually have commits step on campus.

Tuttle commits to Michigan, but apparently to the super fans he’s just an overhyped loser compared to the record setting all world class QBs UM has brought in. My god why would anyone choose a different school over the mighty UMontana? 😂

Britt hits the portal because he isn’t being developed and super fans are over joyed because he was an overhyped high school player that isn’t better than Brown.

No one in their right mind would ever consider leaving UM and if they are there is this narrative they are losers.

As long as Bob is the coach, this team will never win another BSC title, they will never make it pst the second round let alone quarterfinals. The ONLY reason the Griz made it into the playoffs this year is money.

I was gonna leave, but this forum is to me, what watching pimple popping is to other people, oddly captivating.

I enjoy pushing super fan buttons. I love watching the former players vs the fans.

Upon reconsideration I decided I am going to continue feeding my Griz dark side. It’s fun.

Y’all have a great Christmas 🎄 and Go Griz😂
It’s absolute amazing how many handles Growler actually has on this site and how many he has signed off on claiming never to be heard again.

Oh we will hear plenty, from his current other 5 handles he is posting useless drivel with 7 times a day. Dude needs help!
SinCityGriz2005 said:

No, truth is I haven’t lived in Montana going on six years now.

My connection to the team has faded. I haven’t lived in the state going on 7 years now.

In the same fucking post. :lol: :lol: :roll:
HookedonGriz said:
It’s absolute amazing how many handles Growler actually has on this site and how many he has signed off on claiming never to be heard again.

Oh we will hear plenty, from his current other 5 handles he is posting useless drivel with 7 times a day. Dude needs help!

:lol: :lol:
AZDoc said:
He and his 10 years, plus all of 165 posts over that time…bummer deal.

Probably be a I Don post much, I just read them and secondly because I don’t judge a person as a fan by the amount of time they spend writing drivel posts.