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suspicious voting pattern of votes..fix algorithm in place?

grizghost said:
GrizWhiz said:
More evidence? No, more lies. https://sos.ga.gov/index.php/elections/fact_check_georgia_senate_masquerades_failed_treasure_hunter_as_hacker_and_election_security_expert

...fine!...another hit piece of character assassination...than lets get a special council and Audit the Damn System by a reputable company ...
everybody knows it doesn't pass the smell test...what is the problem with wanting a fair n honest Election...its not about Trump is
about securing our FREEDOMS...is there something I'm missing here Whiz? ....re-vote by the OLD PAPER ballots if that's the only way
to secure it and let the better man win!
"everybody knows it doesn't pass the smell test"? you are sounding more and more like lying, delusional trump. The so-called "hit piece" is from the republican run State of Georgia!
argh! said:
grizghost said:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyVRlaWHSeM&feature=emb_logo ...more evidence of the "big Steal"...the man who could save the Election process!

you guys are starting to go from pathetic to treasonous, trying to subvert the will of the voters so your cult leader can stay in power. even barr says there is no evidence of any significant voter fraud. remember when trump was cheated out of an emmy because of voter fraud? all the birther stupidity? how illegal immigrants were the reason he lost the popular vote to hillary?

unreal. you don't want democracy at all.

Treason is selling out the office and country for personal riches. Hmmmm... Who did that? Oh yeah, Hillary, Obama, the Biden's... No Trump in there at all, but all your Demon Rats tried for 4 years to prove it!

If there is no substantial voter fraud, why aren't the head Demon Rats like Pelosi and Schumer calling for a full audit?

What are they scared of it finding? That they set it up?
Now this:https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-joe-biden-donald-trump-georgia-elections-a7b4aa4d8ce3bf52301ddbe620c6bff6
GrizWhiz said:
Now this:https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-joe-biden-donald-trump-georgia-elections-a7b4aa4d8ce3bf52301ddbe620c6bff6

What's wrong with that?

The Demon Rats FOUND more votes than that under the tables in the middle of the night!

Hear Ye!

Hear Ye!

Get your fresh copied ballots!

Mint condition, no creases since they weren't mailed!

Fresh ballots here!
Cuervohola said:
GrizWhiz said:
Now this:https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-joe-biden-donald-trump-georgia-elections-a7b4aa4d8ce3bf52301ddbe620c6bff6

What's wrong with that?

The Demon Rats FOUND more votes than that under the tables in the middle of the night!

Hear Ye!

Hear Ye!

Get your fresh copied ballots!

Mint condition, no creases since they weren't mailed!

Fresh ballots here!

another thing to thank whiney donny for, being a chump for the the ccp as he makes shit up and pays attention only to himself, doesn't spend a minute actually helping the people of this country, and the world: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/03/world/asia/china-eu-investment-biden.html
argh! said:
grizghost said:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyVRlaWHSeM&feature=emb_logo ...more evidence of the "big Steal"...the man who could save the Election process!

you guys are starting to go from pathetic to treasonous, trying to subvert the will of the voters so your cult leader can stay in power. even barr says there is no evidence of any significant voter fraud. remember when trump was cheated out of an emmy because of voter fraud? all the birther stupidity? how illegal immigrants were the reason he lost the popular vote to hillary?

unreal. you don't want democracy at all.

...your right I don't want a democracy ...I want a Republic that represent all the people not corrupt Blue States stealing
Elections...every Blue State city has the most corruption...its just gets old...we voted Trump in to be a fighter and I say
fight these bastard swamp creatures to the end...Repub and Demo-Rats as well!

Tear it down and we will re-build it on
the Constitution that the Swamp as forgotten and rip apart!...they have forgotten "we the people"... Thomas Jefferson
said people have that right to restore it when Politicians get bought off and drunk with power ....they sell out the people to
foreign adversaries and steal the wealth for themselves...in other words we need to start it all over again!
grizghost said:
argh! said:
you guys are starting to go from pathetic to treasonous, trying to subvert the will of the voters so your cult leader can stay in power. even barr says there is no evidence of any significant voter fraud. remember when trump was cheated out of an emmy because of voter fraud? all the birther stupidity? how illegal immigrants were the reason he lost the popular vote to hillary?

unreal. you don't want democracy at all.

...your right I don't want a democracy ...I want a Republic that represent all the people not corrupt Blue States stealing
Elections...every Blue State city has the most corruption...its just gets old...we voted Trump in to be a fighter and I say
fight these bastard swamp creatures to the end...Repub and Demo-Rats as well!

Tear it down and we will re-build it on
the Constitution that the Swamp as forgotten and rip apart!...they have forgotten "we the people"... Thomas Jefferson
said people have that right to restore it when Politicians get bought off and drunk with power ....they sell out the people to
foreign adversaries and steal the wealth for themselves...in other words we need to start it all over again!
Trump lost because 80 million people voted for the other guy. No body wants to start all over again, dude you are coming off as pathetically naive
Jesse said:
grizghost said:
...your right I don't want a democracy ...I want a Republic that represent all the people not corrupt Blue States stealing
Elections...every Blue State city has the most corruption...its just gets old...we voted Trump in to be a fighter and I say
fight these bastard swamp creatures to the end...Repub and Demo-Rats as well!

Tear it down and we will re-build it on
the Constitution that the Swamp as forgotten and rip apart!...they have forgotten "we the people"... Thomas Jefferson
said people have that right to restore it when Politicians get bought off and drunk with power ....they sell out the people to
foreign adversaries and steal the wealth for themselves...in other words we need to start it all over again!
Trump lost because 80 million people voted for the other guy. No body wants to start all over again, dude you are coming off as pathetically naive

You probably can't even change a F'N tire.

Everything you say points out exactly where you are on the evolution chart.
Jesse said:
grizghost said:
...your right I don't want a democracy ...I want a Republic that represent all the people not corrupt Blue States stealing
Elections...every Blue State city has the most corruption...its just gets old...we voted Trump in to be a fighter and I say
fight these bastard swamp creatures to the end...Repub and Demo-Rats as well!

Tear it down and we will re-build it on
the Constitution that the Swamp as forgotten and rip apart!...they have forgotten "we the people"... Thomas Jefferson
said people have that right to restore it when Politicians get bought off and drunk with power ....they sell out the people to
foreign adversaries and steal the wealth for themselves...in other words we need to start it all over again!
Trump lost because 80 million people voted for the other guy. No body wants to start all over again, dude you are coming off as pathetically naive

Dude...stop it ! ...you are clueless! ....you never read the Constitution or understood it and why would you because a bunch
of " White Guys " wrote it and happen to set up the best government known to man...little soy boys like you that want to
tear it down because it offends you! Everything offends you ....Yes when the Government becomes destructive in its power it
is our right to abolish it and replace with one that does represent the people...when Elections can no longer be trusted and the
Judicial branch cowards from their duty " We the People " must take action to insure ourselves the Rights to Life ..Liberty ...
and the Pursuit of Happiness...July 4 th 1776 full circle..
Cuervohola said:
argh! said:
you guys are starting to go from pathetic to treasonous, trying to subvert the will of the voters so your cult leader can stay in power. even barr says there is no evidence of any significant voter fraud. remember when trump was cheated out of an emmy because of voter fraud? all the birther stupidity? how illegal immigrants were the reason he lost the popular vote to hillary?

unreal. you don't want democracy at all.

Treason is selling out the office and country for personal riches. Hmmmm... Who did that? Oh yeah, Hillary, Obama, the Biden's... No Trump in there at all, but all your Demon Rats tried for 4 years to prove it!

If there is no substantial voter fraud, why aren't the head Demon Rats like Pelosi and Schumer calling for a full audit?

What are they scared of it finding? That they set it up?

states run their own elections. votes have been counted, recounted, then recounted again. audits have been made, and the states have certified their elections. you are just whining and making shit up in order to try to keep your cult leader in power. did you listen to donald's whiney phone call to the georgia official? he used a bunch of made up crap to try to subvert the will of the people of georgia. him, and his legion of parrots, can provide no proof, so they just mindlessly parrot fantasies as if repeating them is going to make it true. absolutely pathetic.
grizghost said:
argh! said:
you guys are starting to go from pathetic to treasonous, trying to subvert the will of the voters so your cult leader can stay in power. even barr says there is no evidence of any significant voter fraud. remember when trump was cheated out of an emmy because of voter fraud? all the birther stupidity? how illegal immigrants were the reason he lost the popular vote to hillary?

unreal. you don't want democracy at all.

...your right I don't want a democracy ...I want a Republic that represent all the people not corrupt Blue States stealing
Elections...every Blue State city has the most corruption...its just gets old...we voted Trump in to be a fighter and I say
fight these bastard swamp creatures to the end...Repub and Demo-Rats as well!

Tear it down and we will re-build it on
the Constitution that the Swamp as forgotten and rip apart!...they have forgotten "we the people"... Thomas Jefferson
said people have that right to restore it when Politicians get bought off and drunk with power ....they sell out the people to
foreign adversaries and steal the wealth for themselves...in other words we need to start it all over again!

doesn't matter why you voted for trump, he lost in a fair election, and you can't take it. pathetic. you all have turned into 3 year old babies throwing a tantrum, thinking it will somehow change things. grow up.
Cuervohola said:
argh! said:
you guys are starting to go from pathetic to treasonous, trying to subvert the will of the voters so your cult leader can stay in power. even barr says there is no evidence of any significant voter fraud. remember when trump was cheated out of an emmy because of voter fraud? all the birther stupidity? how illegal immigrants were the reason he lost the popular vote to hillary?

unreal. you don't want democracy at all.

Treason is selling out the office and country for personal riches. Hmmmm... Who did that? Oh yeah, Hillary, Obama, the Biden's... No Trump in there at all, but all your Demon Rats tried for 4 years to prove it!

If there is no substantial voter fraud, why aren't the head Demon Rats like Pelosi and Schumer calling for a full audit?

What are they scared of it finding? That they set it up?

you don't even know the definition of treason. pathetic.
argh! said:
Cuervohola said:
Treason is selling out the office and country for personal riches. Hmmmm... Who did that? Oh yeah, Hillary, Obama, the Biden's... No Trump in there at all, but all your Demon Rats tried for 4 years to prove it!

If there is no substantial voter fraud, why aren't the head Demon Rats like Pelosi and Schumer calling for a full audit?

What are they scared of it finding? That they set it up?

states run their own elections. votes have been counted, recounted, then recounted again. audits have been made, and the states have certified their elections. you are just whining and making shit up in order to try to keep your cult leader in power. did you listen to donald's whiney phone call to the georgia official? he used a bunch of made up crap to try to subvert the will of the people of georgia. him, and his legion of parrots, can provide no proof, so they just mindlessly parrot fantasies as if repeating them is going to make it true. absolutely pathetic.

You can't even use the word "Pathetic" as long as you support the Demon Rats. Not ONE OF THEM said Trump was the legit President, so get bent.
argh! said:
grizghost said:
...your right I don't want a democracy ...I want a Republic that represent all the people not corrupt Blue States stealing
Elections...every Blue State city has the most corruption...its just gets old...we voted Trump in to be a fighter and I say
fight these bastard swamp creatures to the end...Repub and Demo-Rats as well!

Tear it down and we will re-build it on
the Constitution that the Swamp as forgotten and rip apart!...they have forgotten "we the people"... Thomas Jefferson
said people have that right to restore it when Politicians get bought off and drunk with power ....they sell out the people to
foreign adversaries and steal the wealth for themselves...in other words we need to start it all over again!

doesn't matter why you voted for trump, he lost in a fair election, and you can't take it. pathetic. you all have turned into 3 year old babies throwing a tantrum, thinking it will somehow change things. grow up.

.....laughable!...because we call out corruption we need to grow up...because we have a pair and willing to call people
and dirty politicians out...because you live in state full of corruption you are asking us to be like you and live where it is
corrupted and controlled by girly politicians ...you need to grab a hold of yourself because we are the kind of people that
only go so far not like the ones in your silly state who have eroded the state to be a laughing stock!...why don't you grow
up grow a pair and stand up and do something about CCP control in your state instead of taking cheap shots in your
penny loafer shoes....when real man start to stand up that's when things start to change..
grizghost said:
argh! said:
doesn't matter why you voted for trump, he lost in a fair election, and you can't take it. pathetic. you all have turned into 3 year old babies throwing a tantrum, thinking it will somehow change things. grow up.

.....laughable!...because we call out corruption we need to grow up...because we have a pair and willing to call people
and dirty politicians out...because you live in state full of corruption you are asking us to be like you and live where it is
corrupted and controlled by girly politicians ...you need to grab a hold of yourself because we are the kind of people that
only go so far not like the ones in your silly state who have eroded the state to be a laughing stock!...why don't you grow
up grow a pair and stand up and do something about CCP control in your state instead of taking cheap shots in your
penny loafer shoes....when real man start to stand up that's when things start to change..

let's sum it up: ARGH

...you aren't allowed to inspect ballots
...you aren't allowed to closely look at the machines
....you aren't allowed to present your evidence in court
....you aren't allow any reputable Auditing!

There was no cheating! Just Trust Us! Why won't you accept your lost! ....Shut your mouth and Grow up! .
...yours truly the CCP News Network funded by your fellow Democrats!
grizghost said:
grizghost said:
.....laughable!...because we call out corruption we need to grow up...because we have a pair and willing to call people
and dirty politicians out...because you live in state full of corruption you are asking us to be like you and live where it is
corrupted and controlled by girly politicians ...you need to grab a hold of yourself because we are the kind of people that
only go so far not like the ones in your silly state who have eroded the state to be a laughing stock!...why don't you grow
up grow a pair and stand up and do something about CCP control in your state instead of taking cheap shots in your
penny loafer shoes....when real man start to stand up that's when things start to change..

let's sum it up: ARGH

...you aren't allowed to inspect ballots
...you aren't allowed to closely look at the machines
....you aren't allowed to present your evidence in court
....you aren't allow any reputable Auditing!

There was no cheating! Just Trust Us! Why won't you accept your lost! ....Shut your mouth and Grow up! .
...yours truly the CCP News Network funded by your fellow Democrats!
Argh! Is probably the most intelligent poster on egriz and you two nut bars (Queervo) attacking him is shameless. Go bark at the fucking moon and quit posting your insane, bat shit crazy really just totally fantastical fever dream of an old white boomer utopia No one gives a fuck about what only you believe to be true for some inarticulable reason without evidence or proof of facts. So stop already
grizghost said:
argh! said:
doesn't matter why you voted for trump, he lost in a fair election, and you can't take it. pathetic. you all have turned into 3 year old babies throwing a tantrum, thinking it will somehow change things. grow up.

.....laughable!...because we call out corruption we need to grow up...because we have a pair and willing to call people
and dirty politicians out...because you live in state full of corruption you are asking us to be like you and live where it is
corrupted and controlled by girly politicians ...you need to grab a hold of yourself because we are the kind of people that
only go so far not like the ones in your silly state who have eroded the state to be a laughing stock!...why don't you grow
up grow a pair and stand up and do something about CCP control in your state instead of taking cheap shots in your
penny loafer shoes....when real man start to stand up that's when things start to change..

you call out "wolf" when there isn't one, you just made it up.

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