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Well-known member
Last week I predicted the exact score.(man i wish I would have called a bookie) So this week I will go for two in a row. Good luck! HMMMMMMMMM. Well this team will be better then Albany....so

Griz 31
Bears 3

For the Griz Starters:

Griz 28
Bears 0

------END OF FIRST HALF-------

For the Griz Secondary (and third string)

Griz 17
Bears 3

-----END OF GAME: Final Score Griz 45, Bears 3------
My last weeks predictions, although not publised so this doesn't mean SQUAT was Griz in the 40's and Zip for Albany. Short of the *cough cough* questionable interception, I was good too.

This week..
better team against Griz D and an Offense on FIRE...
Griz 38
UNC 13

I got a virtual five I'd bet on this with anyone... takers?

okay Jim, you have made me rethink the scoring a little bit.

I still say the Griz will score 40+ points, but I do have to give the Bears some credit. The bears will score two TDs.

Griz 45
Bears 14

Jim, even you said the Griz are hot. You're giving a Div II team more credit than Hofstra. Not to take away from the Bears, but this is in Missoula. On top of that, and once again, IT'S IN MISSOULA!!! Second, the defense is firing on all 10 Dodge Viper like super charged cylinders (imagine how pumped the D will get with the home crowd behind them). Last, our offense is no longer running on 4 cylinders as a whole anymore. I'd say there definitely running on a untuned 8 now (out of a supercharged 10).

This is Missoula. The Bears are a very good Div II, but not good enough to post more than 2 TDs, let alone stop the Griz from scoring at least 40 points.
My predictions take into account the following...

They'll have to work their ASSES off to score 1 touchdown against the Griz D... maybe even bet lucky and get an interception/TD. Either way... 1 touchdown.

Then, I give them 2 field goals. They'll work down the field a bit and kick a few of these in.

I hold strong and true to my initial prediction.

Remember, these guys are going to be going for the throat against their former coaches. Todays Missoulian quoted their players are 'disliking' defensive coach Breske ALOT. These guys will be hungry to shove a few down his throat.

Time will tell, however Griz will prevail...

They're going to like Breske a lot more when his team puts a hurting on his former team.
Hey all, my prediction is

Griz: 38
Bears 7

Hey Jim, I've got that virtual five for ya.
My prediction for this game is 45-7 with the halftime score 31-0. The second string defense might allow the seven points or they will score it on their defense or special teams. No way in Hell they'll score on the starters. As for the fact that they don't like Breske who really gives a rats a$$ what a bunch of division two players think anyway. Many of them couldn't even start on a high scool team down here in florida and none could play for the griz.
I'll give you two predictions.

Griz - 38
Bears - 10
NC will get one field goal against the starters, and a TD against the second/third string.

and just for the hell of it.

Bobcats - 42
Grizzlies - 10 :eek:

(Adams State that is :wink: )
I think Glenn takes the 1st string out sooner this game...

Griz 38
Bears 3, or MAYBE 10 if UNC keeps their 1st string in until very
late in the 4th.
and the 3 will only happen if the Griz happen to turn the ball over or if they have to punt out of their own endzone.
so really, I should say Bears 0.
But i don't want to jinx the Griz.
Griz 45 Bears 6

Definately a hard call. Who knows when the starters will take the sidelines, I'm guessing a bit sooner than last week.

Bears 6 will come in the second half with 2 field goals (possibly 1 first half). Griz "D" will stop them near the goal line will a nice stand with second stringers in leading to their second FG.

With our depth at QB and RB I think even with sencond stringers in we will put up a lot of points.

Then again I know nothing about the NCU team. And we all know what OPINIONs are like, and everybody has one.
3 factors:

1. According to Missoulian, UNC has a pretty good defense against the run. If that is true, then they will find out how well their run defense stacks up against our rushing offense. :-?

2. According to Missoulian, the UNC offensive line is thin. This will cause problems with UNC's offense scoring points. We all know how good our defensive line is. :)

3. We all know that UNC is Division II and Griz are at top of I-AA. :D

Add those three factors up, and we have an impressive Griz win. Factor number 1 may have an affect on Griz's running stats, but still, Griz will win big. Something like, 42 - 0. Edward's may get another personal best passing again. I do not see Edwards leaving game any earlier, because after 2 years and 2 games with Glenn, have yet to see him substitute out starting quarterback until 4th quarter unless it was because of injury or 1st string quarterback not performing well. Just haven't seen him substitute starting quarterback because of the score.
I also have notice the no QB substitution until the 4th quarter. I wonder why????? Well John has to pad his numbers for the Payton award!!! :lol:
There are no Grizzly Bears in Colorado...not even in Northern Colorado

This has the makings of a good old fashioned Big Ol' Griz Bear whuppin' the little black bear....

Griz 52

Bears 10 (And the starting D will still be unscored upon!)
Uh...hmmmm....51-0 Griz!! Simple as that. :wink: As GoodGod said, that D is on fire :evil:
As far as how well we're doin on predictions, I put up a 27-0 on Hofstra. Dang field goals. And I put up a 49-0 on Albany. Oh well, the D did throw the shutout. 8)

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