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Montana NIL - Good Ol' Grizzlies

I apologize for starting a new thread when there is probably one already. I wanted to hop back on eGriz in honor of the Spring Game today. We are really starting to get rolling on the NIL Collective but need EVERY Griz fan to hop on board and support the athletic program. I know many people don't like NIL but like it or not, this is how college athletics is now. If we can get 100 new members today that would continue to push and keep Montana athletics at the top. We have 26,000+ at home games alone. If only 1/4 of those people become members we would dominate NIL. But why stop there when we can finally use this fan advantage beyond making Saturdays in Wa-Griz unbelievable?

Become a member here - https://www.goodolgrizzlies.com/content/memberships

In the future, we will have great membership benefits to support those who support Good Ol' Grizzlies and help build the future success of Montana Athletics through recruiting and retaining top talent! If you have any questions please email me at [email protected]
I apologize for starting a new thread when there is probably one already. I wanted to hop back on eGriz in honor of the Spring Game today. We are really starting to get rolling on the NIL Collective but need EVERY Griz fan to hop on board and support the athletic program. I know many people don't like NIL but like it or not, this is how college athletics is now. If we can get 100 new members today that would continue to push and keep Montana athletics at the top. We have 26,000+ at home games alone. If only 1/4 of those people become members we would dominate NIL. But why stop there when we can finally use this fan advantage beyond making Saturdays in Wa-Griz unbelievable?

Become a member here - https://www.goodolgrizzlies.com/content/memberships

In the future, we will have great membership benefits to support those who support Good Ol' Grizzlies and help build the future success of Montana Athletics through recruiting and retaining top talent! If you have any questions please email me at [email protected]
Marcus, there was talk right after the national championship and during the major push to save top GRIZ players that those who contributed $1k to the GOG would also earn entry into the QB Club. Do you know the status on that for those of us who made that commitment?

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