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Joe Biden Baseball Hero


Well-known member
Biden is just a chronic liar, and has lied his way through politics for decades. Trouble is, he can no longer even remember the lies her told yesterday.
hunt-ducks said:
Biden is just a chronic liar, and has lied his way through politics for decades. Trouble is, he can no longer even remember the lies her told yesterday.

...when Dementia Lying Biden takes us down they will be begging for the Orange Man's Return!..I don't see how this numb nuts can survive!
Sleepy Creepy Touchie Feelie Sniffy Trippy Forgetti will probably be replaced soon with Kamel Toe.

Nancy Haggatha Von Medusa will use the 25th Amendment in collusion with Kamel to get it done.

The only opposition I see is that Kamel is TERRIFIED of what she thought she would be good at, but she can't even answer questions about visiting the border without erupting into her cackle laugh, exhibiting massive insecurity.

It doesn't matter much if she's the first Female "President" if she is impeached for her support of the Domestic Terrorists in BLM / Antifa that she exhibits.

I'm already working on a scathing pull no punches letter to the GOP in case they don't impeach whoever is "President" in 2023, assuming they take the House and Senate, which should be easy.
Cuervohola said:
Sleepy Creepy Touchie Feelie Sniffy Trippy Forgetti will probably be replaced soon with Kamel Toe.

Nancy Haggatha Von Medusa will use the 25th Amendment in collusion with Kamel to get it done.

Are you 12 or just act like it?
HelenaHandBasket said:
Cuervohola said:
Sleepy Creepy Touchie Feelie Sniffy Trippy Forgetti will probably be replaced soon with Kamel Toe.

Nancy Haggatha Von Medusa will use the 25th Amendment in collusion with Kamel to get it done.

Are you 12 or just act like it?

No, just acting like a Demon Rat politician, media member, Hollywood celebrity or Athlete.

12 year old's are much more mature than people in those groups.
Cuervohola said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
Are you 12 or just act like it?

No, just acting like a Demon Rat politician, media member, Hollywood celebrity or Athlete.

12 year old's are much more mature than people in those groups.

Glad that you enjoy the "stooping to their level" approach then. I hope they let the adults in the room some day.
HelenaHandBasket said:
Cuervohola said:
No, just acting like a Demon Rat politician, media member, Hollywood celebrity or Athlete.

12 year old's are much more mature than people in those groups.

Glad that you enjoy the "stooping to their level" approach then. I hope they let the adults in the room some day.

When the Socialists in control of the country close the southern border, cutting off the illegals, (not to mention terrorists) that aren't tested for Covid that bring in other 3rd world diseases that make Covid look like child's play, and when they stop spending Trillions of dollars on fake projects, then I'll start to back off. Guess what, that will never happen.

When the Demon Rats are gone in January 2025 and the country starts rebuilding, I'll change my tone.
HelenaHandBasket said:
Cuervohola said:
When the Demon Rats are gone in January 2025 and the country starts rebuilding, I'll change my tone.

Can the tiger change its stripes?

I'll still hate the Demons because they hate the USA. They prove it over and over. I'll probably still hate a majority of the Republicants also.

Anything else?
Cuervohola said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
Can the tiger change its stripes?

I'll still hate the Demons because they hate the USA. They prove it over and over. I'll probably still hate a majority of the Republicants also.

Anything else?

You sound like a scared, bitter man. Must suck feeling that threatened 24/7.
HelenaHandBasket said:
Cuervohola said:
I'll still hate the Demons because they hate the USA. They prove it over and over. I'll probably still hate a majority of the Republicants also.

Anything else?

You sound like a scared, bitter man. Must suck feeling that threatened 24/7.

You are entitled to invent shit all you want.
HelenaHandBasket said:
Cuervohola said:
You are entitled to invent shit all you want.

You didn't deny it.

I don't need to. I don't harbor insecurities like the Demon Rats. If you aren't tracking, that term doesn't include people that vote for them, as their minds can be changed, and have been changed en masse since the exposure of the worst "President" and "VP" in our History.

Anything else?
Cuervohola said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
You didn't deny it.

I don't need to. I don't harbor insecurities like the Demon Rats. If you aren't tracking, that term doesn't include people that vote for them, as their minds can be changed, and have been changed en masse since the exposure of the worst "President" and "VP" in our History.

Anything else?

I see the level of immaturity is still the same.
HelenaHandBasket said:
Cuervohola said:
I don't need to. I don't harbor insecurities like the Demon Rats. If you aren't tracking, that term doesn't include people that vote for them, as their minds can be changed, and have been changed en masse since the exposure of the worst "President" and "VP" in our History.

Anything else?

I see the level of immaturity is still the same.

Well, the world needs followers that don't fight back so the Demon Rats will always have a population to push around. The funny thing about that is they push their sheep around while completely punking them in PLAIN SIGHT, and their hardcore people STILL can't figure it out.
Cuervohola said:
Sleepy Creepy Touchie Feelie Sniffy Trippy Forgetti will probably be replaced soon with Kamel Toe.

Nancy Haggatha Von Medusa will use the 25th Amendment in collusion with Kamel to get it done.

The only opposition I see is that Kamel is TERRIFIED of what she thought she would be good at, but she can't even answer questions about visiting the border without erupting into her cackle laugh, exhibiting massive insecurity.

It doesn't matter much if she's the first Female "President" if she is impeached for her support of the Domestic Terrorists in BLM / Antifa that she exhibits.

I'm already working on a scathing pull no punches letter to the GOP in case they don't impeach whoever is "President" in 2023, assuming they take the House and Senate, which should be easy.

..rough times ahead!...with the Taliban having 85 billion of US military hardware the sh*t is about to hit the fan!...Biden
is clueless , outpacing Jimmy Carter 4 year term in a matter of months...its embarrassing ...the middle east could be on
fire with this much hardware in the enemies hand... these people only know war!

....impeachment/25th A has to be in play..but with the GOP who really knows!

... your right Kamala is a joke!

...I read where the forensic audit in Arizona should be made public soon...this will be interesting!
grizghost said:
Cuervohola said:
Sleepy Creepy Touchie Feelie Sniffy Trippy Forgetti will probably be replaced soon with Kamel Toe.

Nancy Haggatha Von Medusa will use the 25th Amendment in collusion with Kamel to get it done.

The only opposition I see is that Kamel is TERRIFIED of what she thought she would be good at, but she can't even answer questions about visiting the border without erupting into her cackle laugh, exhibiting massive insecurity.

It doesn't matter much if she's the first Female "President" if she is impeached for her support of the Domestic Terrorists in BLM / Antifa that she exhibits.

I'm already working on a scathing pull no punches letter to the GOP in case they don't impeach whoever is "President" in 2023, assuming they take the House and Senate, which should be easy.

..rough times ahead!...with the Taliban having 85 billion of US military hardware the sh*t is about to hit the fan!...Biden
is clueless , outpacing Jimmy Carter 4 year term in a matter of months...its embarrassing ...the middle east could be on
fire with this much hardware in the enemies hand... these people only know war!

....impeachment/25th A has to be in play..but with the GOP who really knows!

... your right Kamala is a joke!

...I read where the forensic audit in Arizona should be made public soon...this will be interesting!

Yeah, it's just beyond head scratching. The head General, Milley, has no bloody clue what he's doing. It blew me away because he is a Long Tabber (Special Forces) and a Ranger... Oh, My bad... He isn't, he's just allowed to wear said tabs because he was in charge somewhere, AKA a pencil pushing desk surfing do nothing. That just gets me as an Army guy.

Regardless, ANYBODY could figure out that the LAST thing you do is pull out the bulk of the troops. It's just infuriating that a General didn't stop it. He has NO COMMITMENT to follow unlawful orders, and those would be absolutely unlawful.

I think the only reason the GOP doesn't have 100 members drafting impeachment articles is because they want them to go down in flames by themselves, but it's too late to just stand by.

Newsmax was talking about a 5 year old getting it right when asked how the troop withdrawal should be handled.

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