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How about that Cat run game?


Well-known member
4 chances from the 2 or so, and they get get it in in 4 chances.

And the refs gave them a first down on a bad spot on a pass to sideline. Ball was never close to the marker. Should have been overturned.

TD Tommy had several fine enough passes. On first drive.

Good hole and nice run by 22 on second drive.

Cats didn’t bring in Chambers near goal line for Second drive and score. That was a good fast drive for score. Don’t think any passes.
Yeah that was total #bsc on that spot and review.

Hey Commish, didnt need 17 camera angles on that one either.

Speaking of shitty officiating, the crew we saw today was the same crew that effed us in that sac game. They were equally bad and equally one-sided against the GRIZ today.
EverettGriz said:
Yeah that was total #bsc on that spot and review.

Hey Commish, didnt need 17 camera angles on that one either.

Speaking of poop officiating, the crew we saw today was the same crew that effed us in that sac game. They were equally bad and equally one-sided against the GRIZ today.

There was a very good replay angle and slow mo too.
Just announced that Vigen is calling plays as Housewright is suspended this game for his May DUI.

Seems fitting that you would have him install the offense and work all camp as well as the entire week leading up to the game including game planning, then have him serve his suspension. What a penalty!
Wolf777 said:
Just announced that Vigen is calling plays as Housewright is suspended this game for his May DUI.

The slap on the wrist we all knew was coming. Meanwhile, he got a raise and a new contract. Such a fine upstanding citizen and leader of young men.
Wolf777 said:
Just announced that Vigen is calling plays as Housewright is suspended this game for his May DUI.

Seems fitting that you would have him install the offense and work all camp as well as the entire week leading up to the game including game planning, then have him serve his suspension. What a penalty!

I’m wondering why Meet me at the Barza isnt also suspended for this game?
BadlandsGrizFan said:
Wolf777 said:
Just announced that Vigen is calling plays as Housewright is suspended this game for his May DUI.

Seems fitting that you would have him install the offense and work all camp as well as the entire week leading up to the game including game planning, then have him serve his suspension. What a penalty!

I’m wondering why Meet me at the Barza isnt also suspended for this game?

because he already sat out his game last season. remember it is not a game per dui......
BadlandsGrizFan said:
The cats have to do something about that speaker system and video board. It’s horrible. Their PA guy is terrible too

I don't understand the trend in the BSC to have announcers that are more like performers than professionals. NAUs announcer sounds exactly like the Cats - very loud and with that obnoxious growl. It's absolutely awful.
Wolf777 said:
retiredpopo said:
scats just got burned on a long pass

Considering we play these guys next week, we should all take note.

It will be a good game to measure our teams. Hopefully we come out hot. After watching the game, I think Butler is much better than Utah Tech, but I am glad we will get a real life comparison.
Da Boyz Mom said:
BadlandsGrizFan said:
The cats have to do something about that speaker system and video board. It’s horrible. Their PA guy is terrible too

I don't understand the trend in the BSC to have announcers that are more like performers than professionals. NAUs announcer sounds exactly like the Cats - very loud and with that obnoxious growl. It's absolutely awful.

I think they only do the growl after a first down. After last year, I can understand how you've grown tired of it.
wbtfg said:
Da Boyz Mom said:
I don't understand the trend in the BSC to have announcers that are more like performers than professionals. NAUs announcer sounds exactly like the Cats - very loud and with that obnoxious growl. It's absolutely awful.

I think they only do the growl after a first down. After last year, I can understand how you've grown tired of it.

Even when your team is literally playing you’re sitting on here posting. I don’t know whether to laugh or feel bad for you. Get some friends and enjoy the game. 🙄

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