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Griz Need To Improve


Well-known member
1. Punting. Spencer hung the "D" out to dry twice, otherwise they could have pitched a shutout.
2. Pentalties. Pentalties put us in the hole several times, we could not get an offensive rhythm going. I think the "O" would have performed alot better without the holding calls. Also 2 roughing the kicker calls, although the last one was pretty freakish, & unsportsmanlike conduct.
3. Placekicking. Snyder was 1 for 2. There may come a time where a field goal may be the difference in the game.

Am I missing anything else?
For one thing, I do not blame Mark Spencer for the poor punting. That snapper seemed to let somebody right through and not leave any time for Spencer to make a decent kick. Guy seemed to be coming right down the middle right in front of him leaving him the only choice but to kick it to the left or right sidelines.

Today's game was marred by penalties and a makeshift offensive line that did a poor job.

Defense did great despite the poor field position caused by poor play by the offensive line and John Edwards. Johnnie seemed to have found a problem today with accuracy. Also, Mr Conor Molloy doesn't seemed to know how to catch a pass. I think it is time to put him on the bench and use Ja'ton Simpson. But then, even sure hands Tyler peterson dropped one but he made one heck of a catch later even though he was injured on the catch. Great catch but not so great pass by Johnnie.

If Breske ever leaves, I think his understudy at UNC could very well be a good replacement for him. UNC's defense was quite good, but if the offensive line was 100% it would have been a totally different story today. Griz may not have scored anymore points but UNC wouldn't have scored any points.
What was up with some of the officiating. The first roughing the punter was ligit. The last one was a bs call.
Also what about the calls on incomplete passes rather than calling fumbles. 2 of those were definately fumbles.
We got screwed on a lot of calls, and a lot were legit. We need to work on penaltys.
After getting home from the game and re-watching the game it seems the refs did a great job.
both penalties for running intothen roughing the punter were by the letter.
the times when it looked like fumbles and they were called inc passes were also good calls, though at the time i cast a doubtfull eye upon the refs(then they picked up the eye and said "yuck what's this eye doing here on the field?!?", just kidding of course, lol :lol: )
Some of the holding calls were legit, but one or 2 were questionable.
Really the makeshift o-line did good given the unfamiliarity.
And for the most part JE wasn't flushed from the pocket any more times than usual. Also given the scheme UNC used I think it would have been similar anyway., though i do think a vet lineman would have handled Dunn a little better.
Where the letdown occured most notably was on run blocking. The left side did good, and more runs should have went that way. Still the right side opened some holes just not as many as were used to.
also, did anyone notice that our RBs are so quick that far outside runs were very effective as the UNC teamspeed wasn't enough. Would have been great to use those some more...hindsite is 20-20, but I bet we'll see more wide runs to come this season.

Spencer will punt better next game, and maybe everyone realizes now how important special teams are.
Also, I look for JE to rebound from a marginal passing game.
And like others, I would like to see Simpson get even just one or 2 passes his way. thats not much to hope for. I think we've seen enough of him in practice and scrimages to know he's a bookend of Molloy(when hes playing his best).
Weston had a good game! that was great that he scored.
JeffersonH played KOC but not KOR or wr. intersting.

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