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Democrats Suck

Sen. Clinton said:
Re/MaxGriz said:
By the way, I'm a Democrat, and I think the Dems suck. They need to grow a spine, or more importantly an agenda. There's hopefuls (there always is) but the Democrat leadership right now lacks a platform (Kerry, Leiberman, Kennedy).

What's sad is the only one we seem to be hanging our hat on and had do the rebuttle to Bush's SoU has only been a governer for 19 days.

Theres some others, Obama, Schweitzer, Edwards.
Re/MaxGriz said:
Hew Swill, why?

Why do the Dems suck? Alpha's opinions have been stated but you've just said they sucked.

Liberals piss me off (too much hate in them), and I think we should be in Iraq....
Swilly3224 said:
Re/MaxGriz said:
Hew Swill, why?

Why do the Dems suck? Alpha's opinions have been stated but you've just said they sucked.

Liberals piss me off (too much hate in them), and I think we should be in Iraq....

Your going to go to Iraq when you get drafted in a couple of years right?
Swilly3224 said:
Re/MaxGriz said:
Hew Swill, why?

Why do the Dems suck? Alpha's opinions have been stated but you've just said they sucked.

Liberals piss me off (too much hate in them), and I think we should be in Iraq....

I really haven't noticed that much less hate with Republicans.
TrueGriz said:
Swilly3224 said:
Re/MaxGriz said:
Hew Swill, why?

Why do the Dems suck? Alpha's opinions have been stated but you've just said they sucked.

Liberals piss me off (too much hate in them), and I think we should be in Iraq....

Your going to go to Iraq when you get drafted in a couple of years right?

I would go over there, and Ive actually been talking about joining the Army anyways....

TrueGriz said:
I really haven't noticed that much less hate with Republicans.

Not saying that, just people that far left piss me off. Do you have a problem with that?
Swilly3224 said:
TrueGriz said:
Swilly3224 said:
Re/MaxGriz said:
Hew Swill, why?

Why do the Dems suck? Alpha's opinions have been stated but you've just said they sucked.

Liberals piss me off (too much hate in them), and I think we should be in Iraq....

Your going to go to Iraq when you get drafted in a couple of years right?

I would go over there, and Ive actually been talking about joining the Army anyways....

TrueGriz said:
I really haven't noticed that much less hate with Republicans.

Not saying that, just people that far left piss me off. Do you have a problem with that?

Cool. Personally, If I was young enough and didn't wear corrective lenses, I would join the airforce and fly.

No, I really do not have any problem with anything, except how divided this country has become.
TrueGriz said:
Swilly3224 said:
TrueGriz said:
Swilly3224 said:
Liberals piss me off (too much hate in them), and I think we should be in Iraq....

Your going to go to Iraq when you get drafted in a couple of years right?

I would go over there, and Ive actually been talking about joining the Army anyways....

TrueGriz said:
I really haven't noticed that much less hate with Republicans.

Not saying that, just people that far left piss me off. Do you have a problem with that?

Cool. Personally, If I was young enough and didn't wear corrective lenses, I would join the airforce and fly.

No, I really do not have any problem with anything, except how divided this country has become.

I stay out of politics in the most, except where i state that I am a rep. I dont think my parents want me to join the army tho....
Swilly3224 said:
Re/MaxGriz said:
Hew Swill, why?

Why do the Dems suck? Alpha's opinions have been stated but you've just said they sucked.

Liberals piss me off (too much hate in them), and I think we should be in Iraq....
Swilly- I love your GRIZ hoops optimism (mine took a rather big hit tonight) BUT......please explain to me why we should be in Iraq. Sacrificing thousands of young Americans to establish and maintain a Shiite Muslim regime (which Iran also has), and borrowing billions and billions of $ from such humanitarians as Communist China in order to finance the war, makes no sense to me. I think it is pretty hard to argue that having our asses mortgaged to China does much for real national security either. :tounge:
Swilly3224 said:
Re/MaxGriz said:
Hew Swill, why?

Why do the Dems suck? Alpha's opinions have been stated but you've just said they sucked.

Liberals piss me off (too much hate in them), and I think we should be in Iraq....

In the defense of Democrats, not all are "liberals" many are moderate, level headed people. Same as Republicans, there is a middle ground. I would just ask that before you think someone with a "D" after their name is a liberal look at their stance on the issues before making a judgement about them.
Go liberal yourself!

Stick it up your liberal!

You can suck my liberal!

Nah. Despite all the hard work, it will never be a bad word to me.
Re/MaxGriz said:
In the defense of Democrats, not all are "liberals" many are moderate, level headed people. Same as Republicans, there is a middle ground. I would just ask that before you think someone with a "D" after their name is a liberal look at their stance on the issues before making a judgement about them.

It sure confusses the issue when all of the national democratic leaders are FAR LEFTIES... in fact, isn't Howard Dean their spokesman? And their other prominent leaders are: Teddy (Swim-Team-Captain) Kennedy; John F. (I own a SUV ~ I don't own a SUV) Kerry; Joe (can I borrow your paper?) Biden; Hillary (stick by my man) Clinton; Al (watch me spin out of control) Gore; Nancy (I'm an american?) Pelosi...... while they completely negate the moderate wing of their party (Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson).

It makes it hard to remember that there are ANY moderate democratics!
GrizWhiz said:
Swilly3224 said:
Re/MaxGriz said:
Hew Swill, why?

Why do the Dems suck? Alpha's opinions have been stated but you've just said they sucked.

Liberals piss me off (too much hate in them), and I think we should be in Iraq....
Swilly- I love your GRIZ hoops optimism (mine took a rather big hit tonight) BUT......please explain to me why we should be in Iraq. Sacrificing thousands of young Americans to establish and maintain a Shiite Muslim regime (which Iran also has), and borrowing billions and billions of $ from such humanitarians as Communist China in order to finance the war, makes no sense to me. I think it is pretty hard to argue that having our asses mortgaged to China does much for real national security either. :tounge:

Although we lose alot of people while over there, that is reality of war. Something had to be done over there although war might not be the right way to go about, that is the way we went about it. People lose lives in war....That is just the way it is. You are at war and if you dont like it then move somewhere else because this is the way its gonna be for awhile. Im not disrespecting anybody by saying they die, that is the truth of the matter and yes I would be willing to die for my country
The other night there were 5 (6 or 7?) people killed in Golita, California by a former postal worker. What I found very interesting was this wasn't the headline on any national news program, but rather was about the 5th news item mentioned.

However, had a road side bomb killed 5 (6 or 7?) U.S. Service men in Iraq, that would have definately been the lead story. Don't misunderstand what I'm saying... I feel it is important to know the Iraq casualties. But the Iraq casualties are given much more news attention as if the national media wishes to make a point. In reality.... we expect casualties... it's a war!

As citizens, we must remain alert to the messages that come from the media (I dare say news....). Many have adopted Walter Cronkite's attitude... that he had the power to make changes with the news (i.e. Vietnam).
ponezone said:
Re/MaxGriz said:
In the defense of Democrats, not all are "liberals" many are moderate, level headed people. Same as Republicans, there is a middle ground. I would just ask that before you think someone with a "D" after their name is a liberal look at their stance on the issues before making a judgement about them.

It sure confusses the issue when all of the national democratic leaders are FAR LEFTIES... in fact, isn't Howard Dean their spokesman? And their other prominent leaders are: Teddy (Swim-Team-Captain) Kennedy; John F. (I own a SUV ~ I don't own a SUV) Kerry; Joe (can I borrow your paper?) Biden; Hillary (stick by my man) Clinton; Al (watch me spin out of control) Gore; Nancy (I'm an american?) Pelosi...... while they completely negate the moderate wing of their party (Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson).

It makes it hard to remember that there are ANY moderate democratics!

This could have a lot more to do with your own perceptions. The people you listed are not far lefties. The far lefties consider those people conservatives (and I just might have a bit more access to far lefties than most). In reality, most fall within the generally accepted range of "moderate." And people like Lieberman ARE conservatives.

Of course, that's the whole problem with politics today. We just slap a label on someone to dismiss their views without really listening to what they have to say. It's a lot easier to mock and dismiss than it is to think, and most Americans don't like to think, so we just resort to sound bites and identity-based politics for our entire worldview.
Bay Area Cat said:
[This could have a lot more to do with your own perceptions. The people you listed are not far lefties. The far lefties consider those people conservatives (and I just might have a bit more access to far lefties than most). In reality, most fall within the generally accepted range of "moderate." And people like Lieberman ARE conservatives.

:shocked: really?
People like Lieberman, Miller, and Obama seem to be on the left. The others mentioned above are farther left and seem absolutely insane to the majority of this country.

Remember there are very small dabs of blue on a big red map and the blue dabs are usually large cities back east and some of California. If you don't live in a major city your just a dumb hick from the sticks that needs the smarter people to tell you what is right or wrong. This attitude to me is what really sets the Psycho left apart from the mainstream.
Bay Area Cat said:
ponezone said:
Re/MaxGriz said:
In the defense of Democrats, not all are "liberals" many are moderate, level headed people. Same as Republicans, there is a middle ground. I would just ask that before you think someone with a "D" after their name is a liberal look at their stance on the issues before making a judgement about them.

It sure confusses the issue when all of the national democratic leaders are FAR LEFTIES... in fact, isn't Howard Dean their spokesman? And their other prominent leaders are: Teddy (Swim-Team-Captain) Kennedy; John F. (I own a SUV ~ I don't own a SUV) Kerry; Joe (can I borrow your paper?) Biden; Hillary (stick by my man) Clinton; Al (watch me spin out of control) Gore; Nancy (I'm an american?) Pelosi...... while they completely negate the moderate wing of their party (Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson).

It makes it hard to remember that there are ANY moderate democratics!

This could have a lot more to do with your own perceptions. The people you listed are not far lefties. The far lefties consider those people conservatives (and I just might have a bit more access to far lefties than most). In reality, most fall within the generally accepted range of "moderate." And people like Lieberman ARE conservatives.
compaired to who? Kim Jong Ill(sp??) :laugh:
you really think Kennedy is a moderate??
Swilly3224 said:
GrizWhiz said:
Swilly3224 said:
Re/MaxGriz said:
Hew Swill, why?

Why do the Dems suck? Alpha's opinions have been stated but you've just said they sucked.

Liberals piss me off (too much hate in them), and I think we should be in Iraq....
Swilly- I love your GRIZ hoops optimism (mine took a rather big hit tonight) BUT......please explain to me why we should be in Iraq. Sacrificing thousands of young Americans to establish and maintain a Shiite Muslim regime (which Iran also has), and borrowing billions and billions of $ from such humanitarians as Communist China in order to finance the war, makes no sense to me. I think it is pretty hard to argue that having our asses mortgaged to China does much for real national security either. :tounge:

Although we lose alot of people while over there, that is reality of war. Something had to be done over there although war might not be the right way to go about, that is the way we went about it. People lose lives in war....That is just the way it is. You are at war and if you dont like it then move somewhere else because this is the way its gonna be for awhile. Im not disrespecting anybody by saying they die, that is the truth of the matter and yes I would be willing to die for my country

swilly....i respect you a lot more...wow :thumb:
People like Lieberman, Miller, and Obama seem to be on the left. The others mentioned above are farther left and seem absolutely insane to the majority of this country.

Remember there are very small dabs of blue on a big red map and the blue dabs are usually large cities back east and some of California. If you don't live in a major city your just a dumb hick from the sticks that needs the smarter people to tell you what is right or wrong. This attitude to me is what really sets the Psycho left apart from the mainstream.

Hmmm. From the polls, it sounds like a large majority of people prefer that cluster of Democrats over our current President. So in terms of "mainstream," they must be it.

I do realize that when people listen to a lot of AM radio they might get the impression that everybody thinks like they do, but it just isn't the case.

And the red and blue stuff marks only a majority of that thought in those areas ... it doesn't mean everybody thinks that way. And last time I checked, people in cities do count as people ... we don't vote as a function of square miles.

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