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Crews is officially a Bobcat

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uptopgriz said:
thirdandlong said:
What am I missing here? Crews makes a dumb mistake while in high school, like most of us did. He is publicly humiliated for doing so, and made to wear the big "R" on his chest for a year. At one of the two state institutions, he is given a chance to learn about consequences for actions, grow as a person, and allowed to play football. At the other state institution, the inmates are allowed to run the asylum, and the system prevents him from getting the same opportunity for redemption as he got from the other state institution. UM demonstrates once again why MSU now dominates them academically, athletically, and rationality. It gets old and is a recurring theme under Bodnar's and Haslam's leadership (or lack thereof).

Crews is the best high school player to come out of Montana high schools in several years. He will haunt the school he dreamed all of his life to play for.

He would be at UM if BH would have been ethical and not tried sneaking him in.

First, what did BH do that was unethical and second, I don't think Crews would ever have been a Griz, and his option was a fresh start elsewhere.
uofmman1122 said:
SoldierGriz said:
Cease...give up...words in your definitions.

You sure are taking this whole thing personally. Maybe, just let it go? He's not a Griz...so he really can't/shouldn't bother you anymore, right?
I imagine a lot of black people in the community and fandom also took it pretty personally, so I’m not sure what you’re trying to imply, as if that’s somehow a bad thing. And I never said I had forgiven him yet. I personally don’t think he’s done near enough to warrant complete forgiveness, but that’s based on things I’ve been told by people who were closer to the situation.

Whatever Crews does isn’t gonna bother me, but Griz fans acting like he’s a victim and like we messed up because we didn’t steamroll our players’ wishes and plant him on the team does.

I'm not implying anything.

I never said he was a victim and I honestly didn't read comments here that way. He started the whole drama, there is no question. Other people's hands are not exactly clean either. All of those things can be true.

He's a cat now and therefore pretty irrelevant to me.
HelenaHandBasket said:
uptopgriz said:
He would be at UM if BH would have been ethical and not tried sneaking him in.

First, what did BH do that was unethical and second, I don't think Crews would ever have been a Griz, and his option was a fresh start elsewhere.

BH told him to lay-low and they would bring him in during spring ball. BH didn't care what the other players thought. It wasn't until the Missoulian and school newspaper learned about his plans and made it public. He should have just been up front.
HelenaHandBasket said:
uptopgriz said:
He would be at UM if BH would have been ethical and not tried sneaking him in.

First, what did BH do that was unethical and second, I don't think Crews would ever have been a Griz, and his option was a fresh start elsewhere.

Agreed. Once it went public, his chances of ever being a Griz went from slim to none.
grizghost said:
uofmman1122 said:
I like how you read me say I think he should be forgiven if he really has learned and grown into realizing what he said wasn't acceptable, and then acted like I didn't say that.

Apparently your idea of forgiveness is "people should be okay with what he said and act like it never happened". That's not how it works, or should work.

...I said he did a 'stupid thing'...people just need to move on but some people become self-righteous
people pushing agenda's that end up ruining lives..they want the hammer to fall that fixes nothing..Crews
could have bought reconciliation between players and built more positive understanding of cultures..
he was not given that opportunity ...instead his family name was ruined and relationship's were
stained...nothing positive came out of the situation, Bobby could have address the issues but he has
become the 'smooth politician'..and walked away instead of bringing something that could have
united the team..and helped future recruits..these kinds of action divide instead of healing..

...we are all flawed people and teenagers especially make mistakes and say things they later they
regret..it appears that UM has not learn from their mistakes from the Jordan Johnson fake scandal...
what good came out of that?.

....another good kid's life was tarnished...a great coach fired...a AD let go...a program that
NEVER really recovered...

....just like the Black Panther communist Angela Davis who taught that America was built on white racist
colonizers finds out her DNA ancestry has connection to one of the white travelers of the Mayflower .
..people that live in glass houses should probably not throw stones...but in our society they do!.
.so will she step up to the plate and admit she's part of the problem..or play the victim!.

....bottom line once again UM lost the opportunity ...UM and the football program will face the consequences
when local recruits will not trust the coaches that should be protecting their backs...faith has been broken!

Crews didn’t get to play here because of a conscious decision that Crews himself made. There are consequences for actions. I have zero issue with what happened to him, I think the real argument is that consequences like that do not happen enough.

And yes, he does deserve a second chance. And he’s getting one, it is just at a school that wasn’t his first choice. That’s more than fair, imo.

I just don’t think there’s any excuse for saying what he did in this day and age. One can easily argue that others have said and done worse and I wouldn’t disagree, I just personally have no problem with a bad action finding a consequence. That’s a good thing that will do nothing but improve his future.
uptopgriz said:
HelenaHandBasket said:
First, what did BH do that was unethical and second, I don't think Crews would ever have been a Griz, and his option was a fresh start elsewhere.

BH told him to lay-low and they would bring him in during spring ball. BH didn't care what the other players thought. It wasn't until the Missoulian and school newspaper learned about his plans and made it public. He should have just been up front.

So this is an ethical issue....
uptopgriz said:
Anything goes in Boze.

Like winning!

Yes win at all costs. Cats don’t even deny it anymore. They put it in writing and confirmed it with actions.

Mr. Eggs Rancheros himself even said so almost exactly a year ago. Look at his last sentence, below.

I sure hope there is a follow-up article this spring. Can you or another cat troll please @ 406sports for us? If I were a bub, I would ask the beat writer for a new story. “News” for short. Like a one year update. Mr Shaw could ask, did you build trust? Every bub I know wants the drunk dc gone. In fact whenever I ask, my neighbor’s face turns redder than putting in a shift at the catspaw.

[quote ]

Willie Mack Garza looks to build trust as Montana State's new defensive coordinator


BRADEN SHAW Bozeman Daily Chronicle
Mar 22, 2022

“You can’t play great defense without great leadership,” Garza said.

Garza looks to build trust with each of his players in the buildup to the fall.

“I’m a mentor, a monitor, a manager of young men,” Garza said. “Those are the things that I've got to focus on. I feel like if I put one foot in front of the other and stay on the right path — not step off — that’s the way of gaining people’s trust. Just making good decisions and doing things right. And winning football games.”

grizghost said:
uofmman1122 said:
I like how you read me say I think he should be forgiven if he really has learned and grown into realizing what he said wasn't acceptable, and then acted like I didn't say that.

Apparently your idea of forgiveness is "people should be okay with what he said and act like it never happened". That's not how it works, or should work.

...I said he did a 'stupid thing'...people just need to move on but some people become self-righteous
people pushing agenda's that end up ruining lives..they want the hammer to fall that fixes nothing..Crews
could have bought reconciliation between players and built more positive understanding of cultures..
he was not given that opportunity ...instead his family name was ruined and relationship's were
stained...nothing positive came out of the situation, Bobby could have address the issues but he has
become the 'smooth politician'..and walked away instead of bringing something that could have
united the team..and helped future recruits..these kinds of action divide instead of healing..

...we are all flawed people and teenagers especially make mistakes and say things they later they
regret..it appears that UM has not learn from their mistakes from the Jordan Johnson fake scandal...
what good came out of that?.

....another good kid's life was tarnished...a great coach fired...a AD let go...a program that
NEVER really recovered...

....just like the Black Panther communist Angela Davis who taught that America was built on white racist
colonizers finds out her DNA ancestry has connection to one of the white travelers of the Mayflower .
..people that live in glass houses should probably not throw stones...but in our society they do!.
.so will she step up to the plate and admit she's part of the problem..or play the victim!.

....bottom line once again UM lost the opportunity ...UM and the football program will face the consequences
when local recruits will not trust the coaches that should be protecting their backs...faith has been broken!

This is a good post, which I agree with. I find it humorous that the woke crowd who have been so vocal about UM not allowing Crews to play here, are the same crowd who advocates early releasing criminals from jail who commit actual criminal acts against humanity, which are much worse that making a racial tweet. Seems like redemption for black criminals is in vogue, while the obvious double standard prevails for those of a different ethnicity.
thirdandlong said:
My opinion is... that as long as UM continues to fashion themselves as the Berkeley of the Northwest, or the U. of Colorado of the Northern Rockies, that school in Bozeman will continue to dominate us in all areas.

“Us” 😂

Did I fail to use a pronoun acceptable to you?
thirdandlong said:
grizghost said:
...I said he did a 'stupid thing'...people just need to move on but some people become self-righteous
people pushing agenda's that end up ruining lives..they want the hammer to fall that fixes nothing..Crews
could have bought reconciliation between players and built more positive understanding of cultures..
he was not given that opportunity ...instead his family name was ruined and relationship's were
stained...nothing positive came out of the situation, Bobby could have address the issues but he has
become the 'smooth politician'..and walked away instead of bringing something that could have
united the team..and helped future recruits..these kinds of action divide instead of healing..

...we are all flawed people and teenagers especially make mistakes and say things they later they
regret..it appears that UM has not learn from their mistakes from the Jordan Johnson fake scandal...
what good came out of that?.

....another good kid's life was tarnished...a great coach fired...a AD let go...a program that
NEVER really recovered...

....just like the Black Panther communist Angela Davis who taught that America was built on white racist
colonizers finds out her DNA ancestry has connection to one of the white travelers of the Mayflower .
..people that live in glass houses should probably not throw stones...but in our society they do!.
.so will she step up to the plate and admit she's part of the problem..or play the victim!.

....bottom line once again UM lost the opportunity ...UM and the football program will face the consequences
when local recruits will not trust the coaches that should be protecting their backs...faith has been broken!

This is a good post, which I agree with. I find it humorous that the woke crowd who have been so vocal about UM not allowing Crews to play here, are the same crowd who advocates early releasing criminals from jail who commit actual criminal acts against humanity, which are much worse that making a racial tweet. Seems like redemption for black criminals is in vogue, while the obvious double standard prevails for those of a different ethnicity.
thirdandlong said:
Did I fail to use a pronoun acceptable to you?

No, I’m totally fooled. I have no idea who you could be……………………………………….

Five posts in... I would urge the mods not to wait on this to become a bigger shit show.
thirdandlong said:
I find it humorous that the woke crowd who have been so vocal about UM not allowing Crews to play here, are the same crowd who advocates early releasing criminals from jail who commit actual criminal acts against humanity
Can you identify a single poster who has both “been vocal about UM not allowing Crews to play” and who “advocated early releasing criminals”?
Can you cite me to one such post or poster? You said they were in the “same crowd” so I’m sure you can cite to at least one in this “crowd”, right?
No? So you’re just projecting shit based on your own prejudices? Like pretty much every bub I know.
mthoopsfan said:
Are the emojis Crews used regular ones on Venmo? Are regular emojis racist, or how were these supposedly racist?

It wasn’t just the emoji……it was the accompanying verbiage that went along with it. It was a black man emoji (face) with a gun next to it and the words “N#@%r Fu-ck-ing” (I put in the dashes so it doesn’t get edited). Pretty dang awful.

His side is that he and his buds went duck hunting and his buddy shot all black ducks so it was a distasteful joke about that. Either way it’s an awful look.
mthoopsfan said:
Are the emojis Crews used regular ones on Venmo? Are regular emojis racist, or how were these supposedly racist?

You've said numerous times you're friends with BH why don't ask him what type of emojis they were?
HookedonGriz said:
mthoopsfan said:
Are the emojis Crews used regular ones on Venmo? Are regular emojis racist, or how were these supposedly racist?

It wasn’t just the emoji……it was the accompanying verbiage that went along with it. It was a black man emoji (face) with a gun next to it and the words “N#@%r Fu-ck-ing” (I put in the dashes so it doesn’t get edited). Pretty dang awful.

His side is that he and his buds went duck hunting and his buddy shot all black ducks so it was a distasteful joke about that. Either way it’s an awful look.

I don’t find a gun emoji pointed at any person-emoji to be racist. I don’t find the whole thing to be necessarily racist. Look up N F King. There’s some slang there. I think it odd that the only person of color, or one of few, posting on this, doesn’t necessarily find it tone racist. Maybe you need White Privilege to be guilty enough to believe it’s racist. Not directing this at you.
mthoopsfan said:
HookedonGriz said:
It wasn’t just the emoji……it was the accompanying verbiage that went along with it. It was a black man emoji (face) with a gun next to it and the words “N#@%r Fu-ck-ing” (I put in the dashes so it doesn’t get edited). Pretty dang awful.

His side is that he and his buds went duck hunting and his buddy shot all black ducks so it was a distasteful joke about that. Either way it’s an awful look.

I don’t find a gun emoji pointed at any person-emoji to be racist. I don’t find the whole thing to be necessarily racist. Look up N F King. There’s some slang there. I think it odd that the only person of color, or one of few, posting on this, doesn’t necessarily find it tone racist. Maybe you need White Privilege to be guilty enough to believe it’s racist. Not directing this at you.

Being a person of color doesn’t help you understand how black people feel about white people using the n word.
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