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Beginning of the end for Boone as an M???


Well-known member
Wow - a lot can change in a day. Lopez was called up from Tacoma and started at third base last night. I figured that he would get a few starts at third, a few at second and maybe even a couple at short and DH and then go back to AAA. After listening to the radio pre-game show and reading the Seattle papers, boards and blogs this morning I'm not so sure.

In the radio pre-game Friday night, LaRue said that the M's might sit Boone for five consecutive days in a Piniero-like move to try and get his confidence back and that Lopez would move to second during that period. The M's like to use LaRue as a 'soft leak' to the fan base and he's rarely wrong on things like this. Today's news stories all report some version of this scenerio.

Hmm...I thought. What happens if Lopez goes on a Morse-like tear and the M's win 5 of the next 6 games? Once the game started, I saw that Lopez was batting fifth with Boone behind him hitting sixth. During the game, Lopez got into scoring position twice (single/stolen base + screaming double) and Boone failed to get him in both times. Hmm...

Now today (Saturday), some of the other M's pet sports writers and blog-spotters are all over Boone. This same exact situation played out when Olerude was DFA'd last year and again when Edgar was being eased out in the second half. LaRue was the first source, followed by Dave at USS Mariner and select other area sports writers. Then the front office finally came out and gave the official word.

My best guess? Boone had better figure something out pretty dang quick or he's going to either find himself DFA'd like Ole or used ala Edgar as a bench bat/spot starter. I say again, wow. (Hitting .227 with 29 RBI makes Boone's trade value minimal.)

Some good links:

Finnegan's column from the Seattle Times. The most positive of the stories today for Boone but still not good:


Miller's column from the Seattle PI. Interesting contrast between Cameron, who is in town with the Mets, and Boone. Very negative tone for Boone.


For the record, I like Boone and appreciate everything that he's done with the M's. I am, however, an M's fan first and foremost and I want what is best for the team. At this point, it's probably Lopez at second base for the rest of the year. Every pro athlete has to go through this at some point in their career. Boone's defense has slipped and his offense has been in free-fall mode for two years now. Like Miller said in his column: "It's not personal. It's business. Get good or get gone."

Sadly, I think that Bret's days as an every day major league player are behind him. If his ego can handle it, he can probably prolong his career by being a platoon/bat off the bench type of veteran that every team likes to have around. Hopefully, he will prove me wrong. Hopefully, he will take his five days off, figure something out and go on a tear for the next month and elevate his trade value so that the M's can get something for him. 8)

I am very excited to see an infield of Beltre, Morse, Lopez and Sexson tonight or tomorrow. I say again, the future is bright in Seattle! Unfortunately, we've got Pedro vs Franklin going tonight. Yikes - they guy that kills the Mariners vs the guy that gets no run support. Is it possible to score negative runs?
Hargrove said in the postgame interview that Boone has made inprovements and might be in the lineup as early as tonight or tomorrow.

Whats going to happen when Soriano and Spezio come back? Spezio should be back with the M's when they go down to San Diego. The odd man out then might be Lopez, because by then Boone will be in the lineup and it doesnt do any good having Jose on the bench. When Soriano comes back, my guess is they will either trade or send down Mateo. If Soriano can pitch like he did in 2003, he will replace Putz as the right handed set-up man in the bullpen.
Yeah, Boone was back in the lineup last night. I didn't watch the game but by most accounts he looked a little bit better - he only got one hit but he was able to work himself into a hitters count a couple of times.

I think GrizFan is correct - once Spezio is ready they will send Lopez back to AAA for a while. He needs to play every day and if that isn't going to happen in Seattle, it might as well be in Tacoma. I think that Boone is on a very short leash, though. Witness these comments by GM Bavasi to the Olympian yesterday:

"Boone will play today," the general manager said, referring to Wednesday's game. "But when Jose is in there, there's a different energy. A different style of play. In the past four games, we turned three doubles plays we wouldn't have turned. What we needed was the energy."

If Boone regains his swing, the 21-year-old Lopez will return to Tacoma.

"Hopefully, it works for Bret," Bavasi said. "If that doesn't work out, we'll have to punt and play Jose again."

Sounds like a Lopez fan, eh? Hard not to be, I guess.

All kinds of interesting things pending with regards to guys coming off injury. Soriano is supposed to start his rehab stint this week and if everything goes well, he'll be ready after the all star break. Who goes? Hopefully it'll be Nelson but who really knows. The Times reported that Soriano was only hitting 91 mph on the radar gun in his last simulated game, so it'll be a while before he gets his arm strength back. He's really building for next year.

Wiki is back and killing the ball at AAA. Olivo is starting to hit as well, so something will happen with the catchers. I guess Rivera will go back to AA when one of them is ready but man, has he looked good. Small sample size, but the kid is definately not overmatched.

How long will they be able to keep Snelling in Tacoma? The left handed Aussie has "cooled off" and is only hitting .365! Campillo and Felix Hernandez are both skipping a couple of starts due to minor aches and pains but nobody seems to be too concerned. Once Sherrill gets back, he'll be knocking on the door, too. Leone is back from his injury and would provide the power bench bat that the M's don't have this year.

It'll be an interesting month for the M's - I expect a trade or two to open some spots for the kids on the major league roster. Sele should have a lot more value than any of us could have imagined. Major speculation on some boards that the Dodgers may be interested in Eddie now that Gagne is out for the year. The Yankees need bullpen help and seem to like bringing back ex-Yankees, so maybe they will take a flyer on Nelson? Maybe the Cubs will part with some of their young talent for Winn and a reliever? The Braves could use a veteran to balance out the youth that they are trotting out there - they started seven (!!!) rookie position players the other night.

Maybe Bavasi will suprise everyone by packaging some of the young talent for a bona-fide major leager? The M's could sure use a top of the rotation-type starter but, then, who doesn't?

Special shout out to one Michael Morse. I know that his minor league stats don't indicate that he will be able to keep up this pace and I know that the sample size is still pretty small but...DANG! The kid is channelling Ted Williams or something. Pretty impressive debut by Morse.
Let the rumors fly:
According to an article from the Post Intellegence, the M's could start their firesale soon. They are reportingly talking to Houston about trading Randy Winn and the Padres about Boone. It sounds more and more each day like Boone will be trading cause now teams are starting to be named. Boone played for the Pardes in 2000 and grew up there, so a trade there would make sense. I wouldnt like to see Randy go, but with GrizBiz's favorite player Snelling tearing it up in AAA, the trade makes alot of sense.

Another name the M's may have on the trading block that really makes me sad is Moyer. He's been the core of the pitching rotation for a long time and i would hate to see him go. No teams have been named with interest in Jamie though.
Yeah - crazy stuff. The way Boone swung the bat down in San Diego, I'm kind of surprised that he didn't just swith uniforms and stay down there. His defense was superb as well. If he rediscovers his form he could be a force for a contending team. So far the Padres are the only team I've seen invovled with Boone rumors.

I would hate to see Moyer go but as a 10/5 guy, he has veto rights over any trade. If he wants to go to a contender and try and get a ring I would accommodate him.

Teams I've seen as Winn destinations: Cubs, Yankees, Houston. The Yankees need to get Matsui out of center field and the A's want a lot for Kotsay. The Cubs need a leadoff hitter and Houston needs warm major league bodies. I'm not sure what the Yankees have that the M's might want but the Cubs reportedly have some very nice minor league talent in the pipeline.

I expect Baltimore to get active as well. They need another starter and some bull pen help. The Dodgers need a closer.

Should be an interesting month.

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