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Just a follow up question to a previous question. If the Yellowstone Bigfoot is an authentic, blurry bigfoot, and the time machine is sitting in the Dirty Shame Saloon next to the jukebox up in the Yaak, then what the hell is really going on in the Bozeman area? Considering the proximity of Bozeman to Yellowstone, is it even remotely possible that the Bigfoot is actually Gwen Florio and the time machine is in a hot pool in Yellowstone? Call me crazy, but.....
JBS said:
Just a follow up question to a previous question. If the Yellowstone Bigfoot is an authentic, blurry bigfoot, and the time machine is sitting in the Dirty Shame Saloon next to the jukebox up in the Yaak, then what the hell is really going on in the Bozeman area? Considering the proximity of Bozeman to Yellowstone, is it even remotely possible that the Bigfoot is actually Gwen Florio and the time machine is in a hot pool in Yellowstone? Call me crazy, but.....

Suddenly the world makes sense
Before I ask CDA the next question, I implore you......DO NOT PANIC!!
(Yes, this is a pelican eating a cat)

CDA, would this image be considered "bulletin board" material, or would Ron Ash take offense to this image of a pelican eating a cat more so than when a Grizzly, Lumberjack, Bearcat, Bison, Mountaineer, Eagle gives them the ole Tennessee woodshed treatment? How about any other of a long long list of teams that endanger the cats season and playoffs?

I know that you know, that I know you know a cat is pretty much at the bottom of the food chain, next to banana slugs and other animals with no arms, and we all know pelican vitriol is at an all time high, just wondering which avenue King Ashcat was going to take?


AG1, that is a great question and one people often ask me. While it's natural to think of this image a bulletin board material, one has to consider the ownership of the bulletin board in question. Here, we are talking about the MSU Bobcat bulletin board. That space is generally reserved for Hello Kitty calendars and salmon porn. Accordingly, it's doubtful that this makes the Cat Bulletin Board.

Coach Ron Ash would look at this and feel slightly aroused. He may or may not be known for being a bit of a masochist. He deals in mixed metaphors that are like straddling a double-edged sword, so I think his reaction to the photo would be similar to his reaction after getting the ol' fist in the rear from any other team.
Please settle an argument for me. Does CDA stand for Canadian Dental Association or California Dumpsters Amalgamated?
cclarkblues said:
Please settle an argument for me. Does CDA stand for Canadian Dental Association or California Dumpsters Amalgamated?

CClark, this is a great question that people often ask me. CDA actually stands for Colorado Does Anal. It's a long story.
CDA, long time listener, first time caller.

Lately I have been feeling depressed, lots of self pity and loathing. I sometimes feel like life has no meaning and there is no way out of this malaise. I am having some anxiety attacks that come on at very inopportune times as well as having lost my appetite and no longer enjoy large bowls of mac n cheese. Lately I have put on some weight and have started liking larger women and bad country music song. I feel second rate and couldnt get laid if my sperm cured cancer.

Should I be worried I am becoming a cat fan?
CDA, long time listener, first time caller.

Lately I have been feeling depressed, lots of self pity and loathing. I sometimes feel like life has no meaning and there is no way out of this malaise. I am having some anxiety attacks that come on at very inopportune times as well as having lost my appetite and no longer enjoy large bowls of mac n cheese. Lately I have put on some weight and have started liking larger women and bad country music song. I feel second rate and couldnt get laid if my sperm cured cancer.

Should I be worried I am becoming a cat fan?

AG1, this is a great question that people ask me often. It's perfectly natural to wonder about these things. Here, however, I believe correlation does not equal causation. Put simply, just because it appears that you are experiencing the tell-tale symptoms of Catfandom, does not mean that you are actually becoming a Cat fan. How do I know? Because you have eloquently relayed your feelings of being second rate, and are therefore obviously self aware. I would be much more worried about you becoming a Cat fan if all of these factors were present in your life, but you did not recognize them. A true Cat fan is second rate, but cannot see it.

Now, about the situation itself, I believe we need to get you on a 1920s exercise plan. Do what you can to grow a handlebar mustache, and pick up a gross of brown singlets. Dumbbells and medicine balls, four times a day. Steak and eggs and eggs and steak, is what you should eat for breakfast. Before you know it, you will be ripping huge bowls of mac and cheese and loving every minute of it.

CDA, lately I have been having a hard time bending over to tie my boots. It makes me short of breath, my face turns red, and I invetibly fart. Since I have no interest in actually fixing this problem, diet and exercise are not an option. My question is, should I just give up and become an NDSU fan now, or should I wait until after the coronary?


Fat and Happy in Zootown
O.K. Since CDA doesn't seem to have the answer to the Bigfoot, Time Machine situation, I did a little research on my own and found some interesting stuff about the time machine. Bigfoot is still a mystery to me.

Apparently the time machine actually is in a hot tub, which is situated just a hundred yards or so from the litterbox. From what I hear, if you sit in it you are transported to 1986 when the Bobcats allegedly won a national championship, although I have been unable to find any real evidence of this "championship". I admit that this doesn't explain the amazing time travel, time warp shit that Big G accomplishes, but I'm looking into that too. I thought it would be easy. I thought I could just ask CDA.
JBS said:
O.K. Since CDA doesn't seem to have the answer to the Bigfoot, Time Machine situation, I did a little research on my own and found some interesting stuff about the time machine. Bigfoot is still a mystery to me.

Apparently the time machine actually is in a hot tub, which is situated just a hundred yards or so from the litterbox. From what I hear, if you sit in it you are transported to 1986 when the Bobcats allegedly won a national championship, although I have been unable to find any real evidence of this "championship". I admit that this doesn't explain the amazing time travel, time warp shit that Big G accomplishes, but I'm looking into that too. I thought it would be easy. I thought I could just ask CDA.

This makes me both irritated and jubilant at the same time. It takes a special skill to accomplish that feat. Well done sir.
As hard as I try, I can't think of a question that he couldn't answer.

So, I'll ask: how's it goin'/what's up, CDA?
Grizo406 said:
As hard as I try, I can't think of a question that he couldn't answer.

So, I'll ask: how's it goin'/what's up, CDA?
Isn't failure on 3 boards enough? You are like one of those blow up clowns you punch but it keeps coming back.

Grizo406 said:
As hard as I try, I can't think of a question that he couldn't answer.

So, I'll ask: how's it goin'/what's up, CDA?
Isn't failure on 3 boards enough? You are like one of those blow up clowns you punch but it keeps coming back.


Despite my blow up clown status that I don't deny, I thought this was an "AskCDA" thread...not an "ALPHA Stream of Conscience" one!??!


Again, how's it goin'/what's up, CDA?
Grizo406 said:
Grizo406 said:
As hard as I try, I can't think of a question that he couldn't answer.

So, I'll ask: how's it goin'/what's up, CDA?
Isn't failure on 3 boards enough? You are like one of those blow up clowns you punch but it keeps coming back.


Despite my blow up clown status that I don't deny, I thought this was an "AskCDA" thread...not an "ALPHA Stream of Conscience" one!??!


Again, how's it goin'/what's up, CDA?
I am coming to Msla next week, I have a tailgate for you to sit on...............

Grizo406 said:
Grizo406 said:
As hard as I try, I can't think of a question that he couldn't answer.

So, I'll ask: how's it goin'/what's up, CDA?
Isn't failure on 3 boards enough? You are like one of those blow up clowns you punch but it keeps coming back.


Despite my blow up clown status that I don't deny, I thought this was an "AskCDA" thread...not an "ALPHA Stream of Conscience" one!??!


Again, how's it goin'/what's up, CDA?
I am coming to Msla next week, I have a tailgate for you to sit on...............


Looking forward to your visit!

I'll pay for lunch...as long as it's not on Tuesday.

jodcon said:
Um...CDA is bending over something people ask you about often? :-?


But JBS' question about hard times and bending over is a great question and one people ask me often. The answer is simple, even though all UNDSU fans are fats, not all fats are UNDSU fans. Thunder Buff nation is largely confined to Minnesota and a small part of Eastern NoDak. While it's true that everyone in NoDak is a fat, and therefore a drain on the American economy, I don't think JBS has anything to worry about. A juice cleanse and one month of staying active, and your time bending over to tie your boots will return to its previous flaccid state.
JBS said:
O.K. Since CDA doesn't seem to have the answer to the Bigfoot, Time Machine situation, I did a little research on my own and found some interesting stuff about the time machine. Bigfoot is still a mystery to me.

Apparently the time machine actually is in a hot tub, which is situated just a hundred yards or so from the litterbox. From what I hear, if you sit in it you are transported to 1986 when the Bobcats allegedly won a national championship, although I have been unable to find any real evidence of this "championship". I admit that this doesn't explain the amazing time travel, time warp shit that Big G accomplishes, but I'm looking into that too. I thought it would be easy. I thought I could just ask CDA.

Apologies for the delay, I was in a bush plane crash on my way out to research your question. Apparently, Randy the pilot is a lightweight. Please bear with me on this, as I want to make sure my answer is thorough. Standby.

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