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A game to past the time.......

ok last A-10 I could find tonight......

The middle one is Nova but I am still working on the other two.

*EDIT* I couldn't quite read the endzone lettering on the first one, I guessed it was James Madison then did a search for it on the net and found the same pic so it is James Madison. Now on to the third pic.

*DOUBLE EDIT* This one is my best guess William and Mary? This is the pic I found of it, it kinda looks right.

Ok, here is one, the only hint I am giving is, I don't think we have ever played them. Maybe one more hint, remember its a 1-AA stadium, the endzone lettering could lead you astray, if you are thinking of 1 single A... sorry had to rhyme that, maybe I've listened to a few too many Christmas songs.


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