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Introducing The "Egriz Pen Pal Program (tm)"

It used to be a great site to discuss football. And there were several posters who were unafraid to be critical and voice their opinions. We actually had give-and-take football discussions. Really sad what this has become. The few posters who would like to express their critical observations are afraid to do so. The band of merry men will descend on them like flies on scat if they do.

I'm sure Chris has seen the number of different posters diminish over the years. Now 80% of the posts are made by 10 posters.

Right. It's like posting to one of Jerry's kids
How come you won't answer my football question on the o-line thread?
Years ago, I was cleaning up the estate of my parents, and I came across some report cards from MY youth. Mine were the traditional A - F type, but my younger brother had this 'other' stuff.

After reading the numerous posts on this thread, there were a few categories which stood out, like a deficient report card:
1) Plays well with others.
2) Communicates emotions and ideas in a respectful way.
3) Resolves conflicts appropriately.
4) Accepts others ideas and feedback.
5) Maintains focus and works independently.
6) Follows classroom/school rules and procedures.

Maybe some of you could grade yourself, and others, on a simple scale, Attained, Needs Work, or Not Attained. Be honest, as you aren't fooling anyone else. You don't have to share your findings. This is only for self improvement.šŸ¤”
Woah, why all the name calling and personal attacks? So childish, non-objective, and unrelated to FB. Obviously you are losing whatever dumb argument you were trying to make.
Since you are so scared shitless of Mr Hoops, how about you bet me $1000 on whether he knows Mr Dicks?
With all the bags of cash you claim to have (at least 2mil right?) this should be a pittance.
go away. You are more obsessed with me that you are in getting your butt handed to you by Bobcat posters. I own you, and live in your head 24/7.
Years ago, I was cleaning up the estate of my parents, and I came across some report cards from MY youth. Mine were the traditional A - F type, but my younger brother had this 'other' stuff.

After reading the numerous posts on this thread, there were a few categories which stood out, like a deficient report card:
1) Plays well with others.
2) Communicates emotions and ideas in a respectful way.
3) Resolves conflicts appropriately.
4) Accepts others ideas and feedback.
5) Maintains focus and works independently.
6) Follows classroom/school rules and procedures.

Maybe some of you could grade yourself, and others, on a simple scale, Attained, Needs Work, or Not Attained. Be honest, as you aren't fooling anyone else. You don't have to share your findings. This is only for self improvement.šŸ¤”
The Griz Kool-Aid Club attacks me daily. It's defined as "obsession". And I reserve the right to respond in kind. Rebuttals from me are actually amazingly easy, since the cumulative football IQ of this club is lower than the front row of a Miley Cyrus concert
The Griz Kool-Aid Club attacks me daily. It's defined as "obsession". And I reserve the right to respond in kind. Rebuttals from me are actually amazingly easy, since the cumulative football IQ of this club is lower than the front row of a Miley Cyrus concert
Miley Cyrus? I've never even heard her stuff, so I've never been in the front row, honest!

I kept trying to get the past put behind everybody, knowing failure is a near certainty, but I tried, past tense.

This was going on when I first came to eGriz, legendary, in fact. You, PR, Alpha, and many others whose names I've forgotten. Practice videos, Mo Club, etc., happened at least 15 years ago, because it was only an on-going story.

I have failed, I now admit it. It is better to have tried and failed, than to never have tried at all.
Miley Cyrus? I've never even heard her stuff, so I've never been in the front row, honest!

I kept trying to get the past put behind everybody, knowing failure is a near certainty, but I tried, past tense.

This was going on when I first came to eGriz, legendary, in fact. You, PR, Alpha, and many others whose names I've forgotten. Practice videos, Mo Club, etc., happened at least 15 years ago, because it was only an on-going story.

I have failed, I now admit it. It is better to have tried and failed, than to never have tried at all.
Yes, you tried, and it was appreciated. But, just like the same 4-5 posters who always engage in the "hate the Bobcats" threads, it is those same posters who respond to every football poster I make. I'm a counter-puncher, and will always answer the call.
Anyone surprised Turd just made two attempts at homophobic jokes in a row?

Of course not. Itā€™s all heā€™s got and it is actually a sign of low intelligence.

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