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I find it very unlikely either one of them are going to end up here. Somebody was definitely in Eli Green's ear offering him a bag. Be curious to see where he lands
Hot Sammy, Sammy's a Ute! SLC or bust!
Interesting! Only has 2 years remaining and will sit behind Cam Rising for a year. Definitely a good mentor for him along with Kyle Whittingham but I would've thought with only 2 years left he'd try and go somewhere he could get on the field this year! May only have 1 year potentially to showcase his 5 star talents.
Rising has had two big injuries. Shoulder a couple years ago, and knee early last year. Maybe Whittingham is thinking insurance in case Rising is less than anticipated, or gets banged up again. Five Star backup, oof! My guess is somewhere on line with MSdUi. Two-fers to keep Rising as healthy as possible, and get Huard his experience. In the meantime, evaluate both and keep the competition on its heels.
Big12 this year, so lots of unknowns.

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