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Well-known member
Zac crews was caught posting using a burner account on twitter. It’s pretty comical. Had some pretty hot takes on the Griz, their coaches, and their roster. Then he accidentally outed himself when he used his burner account AS HIMSELF :lol: :lol: :lol:




He clearly hasn’t learned his lesson on social media :lol: this is just gold :lol: :lol: Take a look if you have twitter, and enjoy. Sorry, don’t know how to show the tweets on here, maybe someone more savvy than me can do it
Former Griz Keenan Curran has something to say about it :lol: get ur popcorn. This is a fun one to follow on twitter

I previously thought that he made a stupid mistake and hopefully learned from it and deserved a second chance.

Now? He's an idiot who obviously hasn't learned a thing. I'm with Keenan - glad he was never a Griz.
Here’s more of what Zac was posting on his burner account

I just feel sorry for all those who felt like they had to defend this waste of space publicly when everything occurred. How he was misunderstood, just a kid, youthful mistakes, strong family, yada, yada, yada.

He’s right where he belongs, with the coverups and drunks at msDUI.
bgbigdog said:
I just feel sorry for all those who felt like they had to defend this waste of space publicly when everything occurred. How he was misunderstood, just a kid, youthful mistakes, strong family, yada, yada, yada.

He’s right where he belongs, with the coverups and drunks at msDUI.

I believe in second chances, but not third, fourth, etc.... He's right where he belongs at MSDUI.
wbtfg said:
Hey guys....I don't think it's Zac.

Yeah, then why go totally scorched earth on the account right after the slip up and delete all the posts? That totally seems like a normal thing to do right, especially on an anonymous account.
This is pretty funny, so I wrote the MSU Athletic Dept after Housewright’s DUI. Although, I figured I’d not be heard, I expressed my concern with a coach having no real world punishment for a crime. I know a few here were LEO and trust me, opening a car door to fatal crash sucks and when it’s a DUI the drunk always f’ing lives. Anyhow, I expressed how when there is no dismissal for this BS how will you handle when a student-athlete has any misconduct? Welp, you can’t do much as the standard is now set… Sad
Da Boyz Mom said:
wbtfg said:
Hey guys....I don't think it's Zac.

This one's pretty incriminating.


See I don’t know how to post a picture or a damn tweet on here, all I can do is post the link. Thanks for posting it. And yes, pretty damning. Then right after it was caught and retweeted out, the dude goes nuclear on his account and deletes EVERYTHING……ya that’s not weird at all and totally normal to do on an anonymous twitter account where typically people don’t care what they post
ChemCat said:
This is pretty funny, so I wrote the MSU Athletic Dept after Housewright’s DUI. Although, I figured I’d not be heard, I expressed my concern with a coach having no real world punishment for a crime. I know a few here were LEO and trust me, opening a car door to fatal crash sucks and when it’s a DUI the drunk always f’ing lives. Anyhow, I expressed how when there is no dismissal for this BS how will you handle when a student-athlete has any misconduct? Welp, you can’t do much as the standard is now set… Sad

Totally agree that more should have been done, especially since it was a third offense for Garza. Not good optics. I like that in his second stint Hauck has taken a zero tolerance approach… you do stupid s**t, you’re gonzo.

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