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“ashamed of calling myself a Bobcat”


Well-known member

In commenting to the regents, MSU student Tierney Hula read one of the threatening messages sent to a fellow QSA member. Hula added, “I will admit that my pride is shaking. I am starting to become ashamed of calling myself a Bobcat.”

Responding on behalf of Gov. Greg Gianforte via email, spokesperson Kaitlin Price noted that in the wake of this month’s attacks on Israelis by Hamas, “Jewish students are facing demonstrable anti-Semitic hostility on college campuses across the country, and they, or any student, shouldn’t fear for their safety and wellbeing.”

The events at MSU last spring also caught the attention of the Montana Human Rights Network, which issued a statement on March 23, maintaining that the campus administration had been “exceptionally quiet” about the issue and urging officials to “proactively and aggressively denounce the threats against LGBTQ+ and BIPOC students.”

Speaking with MTFP Wednesday, Montana Human Rights Network spokesperson Cherilyn Devries tied the MSU situation to the “vitriol” in the Montana Legislature targeting transgender individuals. Devries argued that “hostile rhetoric” during the session was “emboldening people to make threats against people in the LGBTQ community.”

“The threats are real, and the hostility has really gotten a bullhorn,” Devries said. “Students deserve to feel supported at their schools in the midst of this really difficult situation.”

And here’s the article from last spring when this all started

Danley’s lawyer, Matthew Monforton, touted the settlement as an acknowledgement by the campus that it had erred.

“The fact that MSU is caving in on its no-contact order is an admission that they know it’s unconstitutional,”

MSU was illegally silencing speech “that might be deemed offensive to LGBTQ students” in violation of the First Amendment.

In a 2017 lawsuit, MSU had to pay a $120,000 settlement after another student alleged a violation of free speech

“Federal civil rights lawsuits seem to be the only way to get MSU to respect students’ constitutional rights,”

Yep, federal lawsuits seem to be the only way.

Looks like MSdUi+ settled one in the spring, another in 2017, and got a new one this week. Third time’s the charm
Interesting Gianfortes office makes a statement at all. He and his party are directly responsible for all of the hatred mentioned in that quoted article.
That's BobQuat. You all realize this is the Biden Woke Education Dept.? The verdict has already been decided. Bend over MSU, yet gonna get F***ed, just like UM did in the Yomama days. I didn't vote for either of those two, so don't blame me.
MikeyGriz said:
Mods - why is this in the football forum?

Why are you making posts like this? Stop. If you don't like the content, don't read it. A lot of us like the info and discussion.
3-7-77 said:
That's BobQuat. You all realize this is the Biden Woke Education Dept.? The verdict has already been decided. Bend over MSU, yet gonna get F***ed, just like UM did in the Yomama days. I didn't vote for either of those two, so don't blame me.

Nah, it’s called treating people with respect. Not tolerating bullies. Being a better person and not a bigot. Pretty simple really. Haters gonna hate though.
BozAngelesGriz said:
EverettGriz said:
I'm going to go out on a limb and say, "Because we do not have an 'Msu Is Under DOE Investigation' forum".

maybe we should?

We may want to consider leaving it more general; something like "Msu is under investigation for....". Otherwise we may end up being overwhelmed by the number of forums it will take to cover all of their investigations.
EverettGriz said:
BozAngelesGriz said:
maybe we should?

We may want to consider leaving it more general; something like "Msu is under investigation for....". Otherwise we may end up being overwhelmed by the number of forums it will take to cover all of their investigations.

True. Best to keep it centralized. Don’t need one for “coach faces criminal charges for third aggregated DUI.”
3-7-77 said:
That's BobQuat. You all realize this is the Biden Woke Education Dept.? The verdict has already been decided. Bend over MSU, yet gonna get F***ed, just like UM did in the Yomama days. I didn't vote for either of those two, so don't blame me.

You are a vile human being… Go spread your hate elsewhere or keep it to yourself
BadlandsGrizFan said:
Interesting Gianfortes office makes a statement at all. He and his party are directly responsible for all of the hatred mentioned in that quoted article.

This is idiotic. Even by eGriz standards.

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