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Introducing The "Egriz Pen Pal Program (tm)"

Hey y'all, I'm sure you're wondering why I gathered you here today.

After some conversations with a number of people that I enjoyed, and after getting to know alabamagrizzly, he had an idea of helping other people connect the way we had, and making a sort of pen pal here and there among us. It has made Egriz certainly more fun for us, as we found some good common ground and have had some very fun conversations as we connected around Griz Football. Like many of us, we also talked about how much more fun Egriz is when it is in a more positive spot and not a negative place with people being kind of dicks to each other. His idea is something we both want to run with, we think the Egriz Pen Pal Program is a good idea.

Our thought was like Remember The Titans, when they had people talk. Sometimes, getting a bit more connection is a really valuable thing. And it would make anyone be just a little bit more kind even when you think someone sounds stupid.

We both also know that a lot of you know each other from long time posting here. I'm sure plenty of people don't need to know each other, but there are MANY here who only know each other as arguing football points and not as the Griz die hards we all are.


1) This is NOT about doxxing yourself or giving personal information away. We are not trying to get you to share your real name or job or location. Conversations can be way more general than that.

2) When matched with someone, we will give you a template with a general starter questionnaire that is not personal. Think "Who is your favorite Griz player?" "What was first game you got to go to?" "What is your favorite WaGriz memory?" "Is there a fun activity or hobby you are doing?" We would provide a little template with questions, and you fill it out and send it to whoever you are matched with. It is a starting point, and maybe a conversation flows. Maybe it doesn't. No harm, no foul, either way.

3) Drop a response here if you are open to doing it. We will give it a few days, and then put the names down.

4) We will take everybody that is down to do it, and draw names out of a hat to match people.

5) If people want to keep doing it, we would give it a week or so and do a round two, and make sure we don't match the same people twice.


We just both found that we enjoy posters here more when we have a little connection. There are a good number of you that I would say I have enjoyed more after messaging and knowing you. It is a lot easier to share thoughts when you are not worried about random people coming at you for your Griz Football opinions, and I think the vast majority of people on here are kind people who can have those good Griz football conversations. Alabamagrizzly, and many others I've gotten to know, became much more real people after I got to know them a bit.

We both realized nobody may be in on this idea, and that's cool too. We figure there is a 50/50 shot that nobody is in. But it seems like Egriz can go through a lot of phases for positivity, negativity, drama, or whatever else. It is the off season, there isn't a lot to talk about, and maybe this is a good way to keep the tone going in the right direction.
I’m in!
Hilarious. Bunch of of mis-fits desperate for a friend. I hope the worst day of your past is the best day of your future.
Just let them do their thing.

I find it kinda comical. This just proves what some people have said and noticed to what has happened to this football message board lol.
Just let them do their thing.

I find it kinda comical. This just proves what some people have said and noticed to what has happened to this football message board lol.
It used to be a great site to discuss football. And there were several posters who were unafraid to be critical and voice their opinions. We actually had give-and-take football discussions. Really sad what this has become. The few posters who would like to express their critical observations are afraid to do so. The band of merry men will descend on them like flies on scat if they do.

I'm sure Chris has seen the number of different posters diminish over the years. Now 80% of the posts are made by 10 posters.
It used to be a great site to discuss football. And there were several posters who were unafraid to be critical and voice their opinions. We actually had give-and-take football discussions. Really sad what this has become. The few posters who would like to express their critical observations are afraid to do so. The band of merry men will descend on them like flies on scat if they do.

I'm sure Chris has seen the number of different posters diminish over the years. Now 80% of the posts are made by 10 posters.
Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory. You initiate a shot at me, expect a return. Put me on ignore please.
It used to be a great site to discuss football. And there were several posters who were unafraid to be critical and voice their opinions. We actually had give-and-take football discussions. Really sad what this has become. The few posters who would like to express their critical observations are afraid to do so. The band of merry men will descend on them like flies on scat if they do.

I'm sure Chris has seen the number of different posters diminish over the years. Now 80% of the posts I are made by 10 posters.
I wanna be #11. And I want to be pissed off April-August and not remember it is game. And i want to forget it is a game played by 18-23 year old kids. You can be critical but have some balance. Being a Griz FB fan is fun.Enjoy it. Hell of a year last year and much reason for optimism.
I wanna be #11. And I want to be pissed off April-August and not remember it is game. And i want to forget it is a game played by 18-23 year old kids. You can be critical but have some balance. Being a Griz FB fan is fun.Enjoy it. Hell of a year last year and much reason for optimism.
First good post including levity instead of certainty from you in memory
That’s not how it works. You are the one who has to click the ignore button.
Jeesh, you wouldn’t last 10mins on an FBS board
Oh really? I have been a member of the U. of Georgia board for many years, since my son is a UGA grad and I lived in Atlanta for 11 years. They actually encourage objectivity there, including many critical of Kirby Smart, even though he wins National Championships.
Putting the list of people who said they were in. If I misunderstood, and somebody wants in, just let me know. I'm going to get people matched up and post it on Sunday with the little intro questionnaire thing I mentioned in the OP.

People Who Have Indicated Interest --

I am interested. Add me to the list.
Oh really? I have been a member of the U. of Georgia board for many years, since my son is a UGA grad and I lived in Atlanta for 11 years. They actually encourage objectivity there, including many critical of Kirby Smart, even though he wins National Championships.
Wow that’s really impressive.
Must be the greatest accomplishment of your life.
This entire sad effort is the result of being embarrassed by a few posters who like to actually discuss the good AND BAD about the Grizzly football program. It's a "take my ball and go home" from a few posters who run from engaging in alternative points-of-view from the Kool-Aid drinkers. This a freaking athletic message board. It is NOT meant to be a flowers-and-roses place to back-slap and discourage objective discussion.

You realize, of course, Elrod, that what you are doing is just bastardizing the First Amendment.
My buddy texted me this morning direct quote " I had a Third and Long in the bathroom at Charlie's". See! You have a profound effect on ppl.
Wow that’s really impressive.
Must be the greatest accomplishment of your life.
I wonder if his son had to sponsor him to get on the board. My Georgia claim to fame is that I am friends with Happy Dicks. We stay with him for games in Athens sometimes and use some of his tickets. Be sure to look at the second link.

No, founding two medical companies and selling them for 7 figures was my second great accomplishment, besides marrying my wife
And playing imaginary baseball at UM, and having many imaginary friends. And running out the back door of the Mo Club when Alpha walked in. And scratching himself at practice in the video Alpha took. That was truly an all-time great.
No, founding two medical companies and selling them for 7 figures was my second great accomplishment, besides marrying my wife
Wait so you had to be “sponsored” to get on the FBS board that you’re always bragging is so objective?
So just more lies? Guess you haven’t accomplished anything in life after all.

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