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suspicious voting pattern of votes..fix algorithm in place?

.....with the removal of Barr I think we can be certain that the focus is moving into foreign interference ....new replacement
of Barr is Rosen ...Rosen is a expert on foreign manipulation on election hacking....this is going to get interesting because
all roads are leading to 'Trump's Executive Order of Foreign Interference 2018'...I think they got the evidence of the foreign
actors...DNI Radcliffe will bring forth the evidence shortly...( 45 days after the Election he has to bring the evidence )... this is
my best guess l see what's going to turn the Election upside down..this is where the rubber meets the road...most Americans
don't realize the infiltration especially from China..while we were out working the fox has been in the hen house eating his
belly full...Reality will hit hard! ...many on the take Rep/Dems alike!
grizghost said:
.....with the removal of Barr I think we can be certain that the focus is moving into foreign interference ....new replacement
of Barr is Rosen ...Rosen is a expert on foreign manipulation on election hacking....this is going to get interesting because
all roads are leading to 'Trump's Executive Order of Foreign Interference 2018'...I think they got the evidence of the foreign
actors...DNI Radcliffe will bring forth the evidence shortly...( 45 days after the Election he has to bring the evidence )... this is
my best guess l see what's going to turn the Election upside down..this is where the rubber meets the road...most Americans
don't realize the infiltration especially from China..while we were out working the fox has been in the hen house eating his
belly full...Reality will hit hard! ...many on the take Rep/Dems alike!

Well, could be, but Rosen is from the same Law firm as Barr. Doesn't mean they are the same, and you can't get much more worthless than Barr or Sessions, so we will see.. As far as Trump staying in office, I think it comes down to the 12th Amendment, which 999 out of 1000 Americans have never read.
Cuervohola said:
grizghost said:
.....with the removal of Barr I think we can be certain that the focus is moving into foreign interference ....new replacement
of Barr is Rosen ...Rosen is a expert on foreign manipulation on election hacking....this is going to get interesting because
all roads are leading to 'Trump's Executive Order of Foreign Interference 2018'...I think they got the evidence of the foreign
actors...DNI Radcliffe will bring forth the evidence shortly...( 45 days after the Election he has to bring the evidence )... this is
my best guess l see what's going to turn the Election upside down..this is where the rubber meets the road...most Americans
don't realize the infiltration especially from China..while we were out working the fox has been in the hen house eating his
belly full...Reality will hit hard! ...many on the take Rep/Dems alike!

Well, could be, but Rosen is from the same Law firm as Barr. Doesn't mean they are the same, and you can't get much more worthless than Barr or Sessions, so we will see.. As far as Trump staying in office, I think it comes down to the 12th Amendment, which 999 out of 1000 Americans have never read.

..what's amazing to me is the inner breeding of these dirt bags in Washington...everybody is connected...no wonder they never like " The Outsider"
its just a cesspool of corruption that seems like it never ends...they protect themselves and screw the American people with their steals and deals
to enrich themselves.....but I total agree with you about 12th Amendment...most are clueless about the Constitution let alone the amendments to it...whatever needs to be done to bring Trump over the finish line!
The Washington establishment, the Deep State, and anyone not pro-Trump, will rope-a-dope as long as it takes before the communists and others take over. Nothing will get done. Biden won't last two months before he's impeached under the 25th Amendment. Enter Commie Harris. The coup will have been completed.
tourist said:
The Washington establishment, the Deep State, and anyone not pro-Trump, will rope-a-dope as long as it takes before the communists and others take over. Nothing will get done. Biden won't last two months before he's impeached under the 25th Amendment. Enter Commie Harris. The coup will have been completed.

...I said this before that Biden is done even before he starts...he's compromised but that's the way they like them and control them...puppets
on a string....IF he gets in done in 6 months .. Obama and Kamala Shit Show...were screwed the Bolsheviks are back!..grab your gun!
grizghost said:
Cuervohola said:
Well, could be, but Rosen is from the same Law firm as Barr. Doesn't mean they are the same, and you can't get much more worthless than Barr or Sessions, so we will see.. As far as Trump staying in office, I think it comes down to the 12th Amendment, which 999 out of 1000 Americans have never read.

..what's amazing to me is the inner breeding of these dirt bags in Washington...everybody is connected...no wonder they never like " The Outsider"
its just a cesspool of corruption that seems like it never ends...they protect themselves and screw the American people with their steals and deals
to enrich themselves.....but I total agree with you about 12th Amendment...most are clueless about the Constitution let alone the amendments to it...whatever needs to be done to bring Trump over the finish line!

Oh yeah, that's why I despise 95 percent of them. Small businesses might have been saved with more stimulus plans, but Pelosi held up bills since the first stimulus because she insisted on abortion funding (because they don't have enough) and checks for illegals. She doesn't care, she's worth $250 Million or something. They are all Demon Rats. How does Tester get a Million dollar mansion in DC? The only one on the Demon side that seems like she has a soul is Tulsi Gabbard.

The Demons constantly preach about the Constitution, but they always ignore it!

If Trump stays, they will lose their minds, when they are actually stupid promoting what will be an intense Civil War within their ranks. Biden completely dissed Black Lives Matter... "Thanks for your help, but I have been a racist since I was born, didn't ya look me up? get lost".. Then Ocasio wants to get rid of Schumer and Pelosi... HAHAHA Riiighttt....
tourist said:
The Washington establishment, the Deep State, and anyone not pro-Trump, will rope-a-dope as long as it takes before the communists and others take over. Nothing will get done. Biden won't last two months before he's impeached under the 25th Amendment. Enter Commie Harris. The coup will have been completed.

Sleepy said he would step down for health reasons. I think that was the plan along, to get Kamala in for whatever reason. I don't know why even the Demons would like her. She must be a 100% yes, giving them a promise that she would do whatever they wanted in exchange for being the first woman President. Nobody likes her, that's why she didn't even make it to the primaries before dropping out, so they had to get her in this way. They couldn't count on any other woman, especially Pocahontas because she's unpredictable.
Cuervohola said:
tourist said:
The Washington establishment, the Deep State, and anyone not pro-Trump, will rope-a-dope as long as it takes before the communists and others take over. Nothing will get done. Biden won't last two months before he's impeached under the 25th Amendment. Enter Commie Harris. The coup will have been completed.

Sleepy said he would step down for health reasons. I think that was the plan along, to get Kamala in for whatever reason. I don't know why even the Demons would like her. She must be a 100% yes, giving them a promise that she would do whatever they wanted in exchange for being the first woman President. Nobody likes her, that's why she didn't even make it to the primaries before dropping out, so they had to get her in this way. They couldn't count on any other woman, especially Pocahontas because she's unpredictable.

grizghost said:
Cuervohola said:
Sleepy said he would step down for health reasons. I think that was the plan along, to get Kamala in for whatever reason. I don't know why even the Demons would like her. She must be a 100% yes, giving them a promise that she would do whatever they wanted in exchange for being the first woman President. Nobody likes her, that's why she didn't even make it to the primaries before dropping out, so they had to get her in this way. They couldn't count on any other woman, especially Pocahontas because she's unpredictable.


Well, I hope her intel source isn't Sidney Powell or Lin Wood!

Apparently the Demons snuck in 3 of their own to the Supreme Court in Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett. Forget believing it, they wouldn't even listen to the last case.
Here, Tucker Carlson Torches, Eviscerates "Doctor" Jill Biden... Tuesday night, he mentioned that her Doctorate is the same one that "Doctor" Bill Cosby has, and is kind of like Dr. Pepper. 

What is with the Left that they need constant attention and trophies and titles? How can their self esteem be so low that they need... She was getting mail to Senator and Mrs. Biden, but had to get it changed to Dr., even though it's fake.

Kind of like Bill Gates trying to be a Scientist because he's rich, and Bill Nye the Mechanical Engineer that dresses up like a Scientist. For the fun of it, I'll add John Stephens, who changed his name to John Legend. 


They aren't from here, that's why Area 51 is off limits.

Cuervohola said:
Here, Tucker Carlson Torches, Eviscerates "Doctor" Jill Biden... Tuesday night, he mentioned that her Doctorate is the same one that "Doctor" Bill Cosby has, and is kind of like Dr. Pepper. 

What is with the Left that they need constant attention and trophies and titles? How can their self esteem be so low that they need... She was getting mail to Senator and Mrs. Biden, but had to get it changed to Dr., even though it's fake.

Kind of like Bill Gates trying to be a Scientist because he's rich, and Bill Nye the Mechanical Engineer that dresses up like a Scientist. For the fun of it, I'll add John Stephens, who changed his name to John Legend. 


They aren't from here, that's why Area 51 is off limits.


Dude there is a reason no one watches foxnews anymore, why bring it here when we avoid it on tv. Please give us a fucking break with this stuff.
Cuervohola said:
grizghost said:

Well, I hope her intel source isn't Sidney Powell or Lin Wood!

Apparently the Demons snuck in 3 of their own to the Supreme Court in Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett. Forget believing it, they wouldn't even listen to the last case.

....yes not much hope in the Supremes..cowards!....but I was thinking on the lines of Trump's Executive Order of Foreign Interference 2018...
DNI Radcliffe is they guy to keep an eye on...everybody knows the Election was stolen even the dirty Dems but somebody got to man up
and slay the Dragon (China)...to many under the Dragon's control...plus the little minions Dems who hustle the ballots!...if Republicans don't
raise up they are done as a party..
grizghost said:
....yes not much hope in the Supremes..cowards!....but I was thinking on the lines of Trump's Executive Order of Foreign Interference 2018...
DNI Radcliffe is they guy to keep an eye on...everybody knows the Election was stolen even the dirty Dems but somebody got to man up
and slay the Dragon (China)...to many under the Dragon's control...plus the little minions Dems who hustle the ballots!...if Republicans don't
raise up they are done as a party..

Yeah, I agree. Everybody knows about the Chinese / Biden collusion. And the China Spy Swalwell connection. And the Feinstein China Spy connection. I think the Demon Rats just love Chinese food so much that they import them as personal chefs!

The Dem party will be done soon naturally with their Civil War, so you're right. The Repubs have to take advantage of that.
Barr was a terrific AG. Knew the position and the ropes. Smart, experienced and tough. Did the right thing almost all the time. Didn't do what Trump wanted, as that was almost always not appropriate. Withstood the very significant Dem and media BS stuff, which was often relentless. My view was that the Dem/mainstream media worked hard to discredit and undercut Barr, because they knew he was almost always onto something that would make some established group or person look bad. It was the best they could do, as Barr usually had the facts and law on his side. Lots of dishonesty among media and Dems.

I'm happy to discuss and debate any particular issues, if anyone wants to engage. I followed this fairly closely.
Capt. Marko Ramius:
A little revolution now and then is a healthy thing, don't you think?
--The Hunt for Red October
Cuervohola said:
grizghost said:
....yes not much hope in the Supremes..cowards!....but I was thinking on the lines of Trump's Executive Order of Foreign Interference 2018...
DNI Radcliffe is they guy to keep an eye on...everybody knows the Election was stolen even the dirty Dems but somebody got to man up
and slay the Dragon (China)...to many under the Dragon's control...plus the little minions Dems who hustle the ballots!...if Republicans don't
raise up they are done as a party..

Yeah, I agree. Everybody knows about the Chinese / Biden collusion. And the China Spy Swalwell connection. And the Feinstein China Spy connection. I think the Demon Rats just love Chinese food so much that they import them as personal chefs!

The Dem party will be done soon naturally with their Civil War, so you're right. The Repubs have to take advantage of that.

Awww aren't you guys cute? I love watching old men fantasize about things that are never going to happen. I'm going to start a support group for you, Ghost, and tourist called "ADDICTED TO L'S: Can't stop losing and why I can't get enough!". Honestly, how does it feel to keep being wrong?

I love rattling this little cage of delusion you are trapped in.

Watching you weirdos engage in this insane Trump circle jerk is pathetic/hilarious. You guys have honestly lost your minds. Fantasizing about a tangerine-colored, Depends-wearing senior citizen with a combover that is totally incompetent at everything other than chaos is a strange fetish, but I'm not here to judge.

I see none of you big spenders are willing to come out of pocket on a bet for your hero. What happened to all that post-election bluster and confidence? Reality got you down?

What kind of fake-ass "patriots" call for civil war anyway? And all because your infallible cult leader lost an election by 7 million votes? Keep huddling around your guns and praying for the downfall of democracy, that'll definitely make all your dreams come true.
PlayerRep said:
Barr was a terrific AG. Knew the position and the ropes. Smart, experienced and tough. Did the right thing almost all the time. Didn't do what Trump wanted, as that was almost always not appropriate. Withstood the very significant Dem and media BS stuff, which was often relentless. My view was that the Dem/mainstream media worked hard to discredit and undercut Barr, because they knew he was almost always onto something that would make some established group or person look bad. It was the best they could do, as Barr usually had the facts and law on his side. Lots of dishonesty among media and Dems.

I'm happy to discuss and debate any particular issues, if anyone wants to engage. I followed this fairly closely.

This is strictly a thread for fantasy pipe dreams with zero foundation in reality. How dare you attempt to insert a discussion based on truth and facts!! What kind of American are you? ;) :lol:
gotgame75 said:
Cuervohola said:
Yeah, I agree. Everybody knows about the Chinese / Biden collusion. And the China Spy Swalwell connection. And the Feinstein China Spy connection. I think the Demon Rats just love Chinese food so much that they import them as personal chefs!

The Dem party will be done soon naturally with their Civil War, so you're right. The Repubs have to take advantage of that.

Awww aren't you guys cute? I love watching old men fantasize about things that are never going to happen. I'm going to start a support group for you, Ghost, and tourist called "ADDICTED TO L'S: Can't stop losing and why I can't get enough!". Honestly, how does it feel to keep being wrong?

I love rattling this little cage of delusion you are trapped in.

Watching you weirdos engage in this insane Trump circle jerk is pathetic/hilarious. You guys have honestly lost your minds. Fantasizing about a tangerine-colored, Depends-wearing senior citizen with a combover that is totally incompetent at everything other than chaos is a strange fetish, but I'm not here to judge.

I see none of you big spenders are willing to come out of pocket on a bet for your hero. What happened to all that post-election bluster and confidence? Reality got you down?

What kind of fake-ass "patriots" call for civil war anyway? And all because your infallible cult leader lost an election by 7 million votes? Keep huddling around your guns and praying for the downfall of democracy, that'll definitely make all your dreams come true.

"Can't stop losing"... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Did you write that yourself? I sure hope you didn't pay somebody for advice, Dear Abbie.

Republicans didn't lose one House seat, gained many, and dominate in State Legislature, controlling 30 states.

The WORST possible scenario for the Demon Rats is SLEEPY CREEPY CHINA and his scandal plagued can't get enough support to make it to the primaries cohort get elected.

Biden will be under intense pressure to talk about his and Hunter's TRUE ties to China and the Ukraine. It's not the FAKE Russia scandal the Demon Rats tried to nail the Honorable President Trump with, Joe and Hunter Rat are proven guilty.

Biden will languish until he either quits or Harris uses the 25th Amendment against him, and she has all kinds of scandals herself. So she will be in charge of the Government, while she doesn't even qualify to manage a Taco Bell, and the Civil War that DOES EXIST if you open your eyes, flares on to the point that Democrat voters really think about switching.

Did you miss the part where Ocasio said it's time for Nancy and Chuckie to go?

Did ya?

# Demon Rat Civil War
Cuervohola said:
gotgame75 said:
Awww aren't you guys cute? I love watching old men fantasize about things that are never going to happen. I'm going to start a support group for you, Ghost, and tourist called "ADDICTED TO L'S: Can't stop losing and why I can't get enough!". Honestly, how does it feel to keep being wrong?

I love rattling this little cage of delusion you are trapped in.

Watching you weirdos engage in this insane Trump circle jerk is pathetic/hilarious. You guys have honestly lost your minds. Fantasizing about a tangerine-colored, Depends-wearing senior citizen with a combover that is totally incompetent at everything other than chaos is a strange fetish, but I'm not here to judge.

I see none of you big spenders are willing to come out of pocket on a bet for your hero. What happened to all that post-election bluster and confidence? Reality got you down?

What kind of fake-ass "patriots" call for civil war anyway? And all because your infallible cult leader lost an election by 7 million votes? Keep huddling around your guns and praying for the downfall of democracy, that'll definitely make all your dreams come true.

"Can't stop losing"... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Did you write that yourself? I sure hope you didn't pay somebody for advice, Dear Abbie.

Republicans didn't lose one House seat, gained many, and dominate in State Legislature, controlling 30 states.

The WORST possible scenario for the Demon Rats is SLEEPY CREEPY CHINA and his scandal plagued can't get enough support to make it to the primaries cohort get elected.

Biden will be under intense pressure to talk about his and Hunter's TRUE ties to China and the Ukraine. It's not the FAKE Russia scandal the Demon Rats tried to nail the Honorable President Trump with, Joe and Hunter Rat are proven guilty.

Biden will languish until he either quits or Harris uses the 25th Amendment against him, and she has all kinds of scandals herself. So she will be in charge of the Government, while she doesn't even qualify to manage a Taco Bell, and the Civil War that DOES EXIST if you open your eyes, flares on to the point that Democrat voters really think about switching.

Did you miss the part where Ocasio said it's time for Nancy and Chuckie to go?

Did ya?

# Demon Rat Civil War

Got ya again! You never fail to disappoint, do you? Must be nice to live in a fantasy world of your own creation. Keep mumbling, I can do this all day.

Dude you've lost it. Don't you understand that this is amusement for me? It's like poking a retarded monkey with a stick. You are way too easy. It's almost not even fun... almost. Lol reading your incoherent madman ramblings is the best quarantine entertainment out there.

I almost feel bad for you. You've been so brainwashed with disinformation and idiotic conspiracy theories that you will literally believe anything! It's honestly amazing how gullible Trumpians are.

I could say "The sky is blue." and your response would be "NO THE IS SKY PURPLE! Joe the Rat along with wizards from Sleepy China turned the sky purple when they spilled the blood of a thousand dragons sent by our Lord & Savior Jesus H Trump to protect the adrenochrome of our red-blooded pistol-packin' 'Merican babies."

That is exactly how absurd you sound with these non-stop ridiculous conspiracy theories. Why can't you just accept reality?

Commence Operation Pipe Dream... and always remember keep taking your daily L's like a good old man. And keep up the daily eGriz Trump circle jerk cause that's clearly the closest thing you've had to a piece of ass for quite some time.
gotgame75 said:
Cuervohola said:
"Can't stop losing"... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Did you write that yourself? I sure hope you didn't pay somebody for advice, Dear Abbie.

Republicans didn't lose one House seat, gained many, and dominate in State Legislature, controlling 30 states.

The WORST possible scenario for the Demon Rats is SLEEPY CREEPY CHINA and his scandal plagued can't get enough support to make it to the primaries cohort get elected.

Biden will be under intense pressure to talk about his and Hunter's TRUE ties to China and the Ukraine. It's not the FAKE Russia scandal the Demon Rats tried to nail the Honorable President Trump with, Joe and Hunter Rat are proven guilty.

Biden will languish until he either quits or Harris uses the 25th Amendment against him, and she has all kinds of scandals herself. So she will be in charge of the Government, while she doesn't even qualify to manage a Taco Bell, and the Civil War that DOES EXIST if you open your eyes, flares on to the point that Democrat voters really think about switching.

Did you miss the part where Ocasio said it's time for Nancy and Chuckie to go?

Did ya?

# Demon Rat Civil War

Got ya again! You never fail to disappoint, do you? Must be nice to live in a fantasy world of your own creation. Keep mumbling, I can do this all day.

Dude you've lost it. Don't you understand that this is amusement for me? It's like poking a retarded monkey with a stick. You are way too easy. It's almost not even fun... almost. Lol reading your incoherent madman ramblings is the best quarantine entertainment out there.

I almost feel bad for you. You've been so brainwashed with disinformation and idiotic conspiracy theories that you will literally believe anything! It's honestly amazing how gullible Trumpians are.

I could say "The sky is blue." and your response would be "NO THE IS SKY PURPLE! Joe the Rat along with wizards from Sleepy China turned the sky purple when they spilled the blood of a thousand dragons sent by our Lord & Savior Jesus H Trump to protect the adrenochrome of our red-blooded pistol-packin' 'Merican babies."

That is exactly how absurd you sound with these non-stop ridiculous conspiracy theories. Why can't you just accept reality?

Commence Operation Pipe Dream... and always remember keep taking your daily L's like a good old man. And keep up the daily eGriz Trump circle jerk cause that's clearly the closest thing you've had to a piece of ass for quite some time.

I just stated straight up FACTS, while you come back with the Standard Liberal Response, which is "I am rubber and you are glue, everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you."

HAHAHA... You Liberals never have a comeback because there are none. The Demon Rats you worship are plagued in scandals. I didn't even mention Swallwell banging the Chinese Spy or Feinstein having a Chinese Spy on her staff for 10 years!

Is there any Demon Rats that didn't sell out to China?

Buh Bye, Amateur... You couldn't state a fact if your life depended on it.