MrTitleist said:
Why does everyone assume that losing seasons and being the next Idaho are automatically the next thing that will happen if the Griz move up? Can anyone put any kind of substantial thought into why exactly these things will happen? Not speculative, ACTUAL reasons why this would happen.
First, I suspect the Grizzlies would do better than Idaho has. Second, I suspect at some point during this decade the Griz will 'move up'. Third, I also suspect within the decade, the existing FCS will disappear with a new lower tier "FBS" subdivision replacing it. Though to provide a answer to your question why it "could" happen; Consider our old Big Sky foes Idaho and Boise State who took the same move which led to such different paths;
Boise decided the were moving up. Idaho moved up solely because they felt pressured not to be "left behind' (sound kind of familiar?).
Before moving up Boise had the best facilities in the conference while Idaho's were near the middle at best (today while UM has a great stadium, we have little else in place).
Further Boise had always enjoyed deep pocket individual and corporate supporters. Those same supporters were promoting their move up and readily covering any necessary additional expenses. Idaho began in a hole without the money needed to improve their facilities, nor the funds for the additional athletic operating expenses. Yet, Idaho still went anyway. Perhaps they assumed FBS conference revenue sharing, TV, and OCC games would cover it (sound kind of familiar?).
As we all saw, Boise State became well established in FBS while the Univ of Idaho has fallen into virtual doormat status. Boise State was positioned to have a chance to succeed. They had the facilities. They had the initial money in hand. They had the commitment of future financial support lined up. Appalachian State is now moving up. They have the facilities. They have $25 million in hand for their move. They have more than just a winning football tradition, they are prepared for an opportunity to succeed.
Those of you who want to move up "before we get left behind", ask yourself if the Univ. of Montana is as prepared as Boise State, App State, or Idaho? Titleist, rather than the question you posed, perhaps the better question is this;
Why does everyone assume that winning seasons and being the next Boise State are automatically the next thing that will happen if the Griz move up?