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Couldn't resist... a poem for schwizzle-whatever...


Well-known member
A dude on a message board once opened his trap
Out of his hole, he spewed some excessive crap

To spew is divine since the topic was smack,
But when he went after GGG, there was no turning back.

Fat, Stupid, a “wanna be Jock” he did say
Poor dude didn’t understand that it wasn’t his day.

GGG held his tongue for as long as he could,
But he’d had enough so he picked up some wood.

A nice 2x4 should do the job, he surmised.
eatshizzlegrizzle was surely in for a surprise.

A date was set for the rumble, it would be late November,
eatshizzle told his Mommy the date, so that she could remember.

Behind the Cats Paw was where they would meet.
And everyone knew it would pile into the street.

The crowd was large, the air was filled with chants.
But when eatshizzle saw GGG, he took a dump in his pants.

GGG blew it off, it was something he could miss.
And how do you fight a guy who pants are full of piss?

A lesson was learned on that day by eatshizzly…
You can talk smack all you want, but don’t F*ck with a Grizzly.
Leason? Did you mean lesson? Anyway, you fat bastard, bring it. This town would be all over your shit if you decided to mess with me. You do not even know who you are talking to. I invite you behind the Cat's Paw...i will have my Bobcat Friends with me and we will show you who's boss. Bring your mom too!
LOL! That post is hilarious, I almost peed my own britches when I saw SwizzleMcNizzle correcting someone's spelling. The second part's even better - "Bring it on, TripleG - I could beat you up as long as I had my town helping!"
i love the "you don't even know who you are talking to" comment. That has got to be the best one I've heard. These guys are jokes. I think they would be laughed out of bozeman.
And what's the matter, you can't fight someone without bringing your "friends". A true coward as well. Why don't you go back to suckling your mommy's titty...you are a complete joke.
Yeah, Schwizzle, bring it on, you and your friend... if you can get out of bed long enough to make it on over...


:lol: :lol: :lol:
Man, I'm starting to miss the NDSU fans, what happened to 'em? I'll admit "you're a queer granola according to the smart people in Bozeman" ain't the height of creativity, but compared to this current spate of Catfans monopolizing the board, it's divinely inspired smack genius.
GGG, id da man. I love the paint job myself. Maybe you poody tats fans just don't get into foosball like we Griz fans do. We love it.