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2025 UM Football Recruiting Offers (48), 2025 HS Verbals (5), Transfers/2024 Additions (8)

Some early thoughts...

- 25 offers is WAY ahead of the last several years. I dont think UM had 25 offers last years until October
- Only 3 offers to Montana Players. In the past few years almost all the early offers were Montana students
- Use to lean on Coach Green, but now looks like all coaches are handing out offers
Some early thoughts...

- 25 offers is WAY ahead of the last several years. I dont think UM had 25 offers last years until October
- Only 3 offers to Montana Players. In the past few years almost all the early offers were Montana students
- Use to lean on Coach Green, but now looks like all coaches are handing out offers
A lot of seniors on next years' team.