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2025 UM Football Recruiting Offers (43), 2025 HS Verbals (7), Transfers/2024 Additions (8)

I always wonder how they figure it out. Are they looking at the individual Twitter accounts of every offer? That seems exceedingly tedious to me.
I haven't really done it recently at all, but it's really not that hard (although now that twitter likes are private, it's become a lot more difficult). I used to make twitter lists of every recruit we offer, and then remove them when they commit elsewhere. This created a feed I could check every day to see what they were saying. I also had one for the coaches. It used to be even easier when the following lists for coaches listed their most recent follows first. That's not the case anymore.

This year is probably the hardest it's been since twitter became the main recruiting tool to track our recruits. I used to really enjoy tracking recruits (especially potential transfers), although in the last couple years I've been too busy.
I haven't really done it recently at all, but it's really not that hard (although now that twitter likes are private, it's become a lot more difficult). I used to make twitter lists of every recruit we offer, and then remove them when they commit elsewhere. This created a feed I could check every day to see what they were saying. I also had one for the coaches. It used to be even easier when the following lists for coaches listed their most recent follows first. That's not the case anymore.

This year is probably the hardest it's been since twitter became the main recruiting tool to track our recruits. I used to really enjoy tracking recruits (especially potential transfers), although in the last couple years I've been too busy.
There is also a certain coach who follows all the recruits that we’ve offered I’ve figured out several commits that way.
I haven't really done it recently at all, but it's really not that hard (although now that twitter likes are private, it's become a lot more difficult). I used to make twitter lists of every recruit we offer, and then remove them when they commit elsewhere. This created a feed I could check every day to see what they were saying. I also had one for the coaches. It used to be even easier when the following lists for coaches listed their most recent follows first. That's not the case anymore.

This year is probably the hardest it's been since twitter became the main recruiting tool to track our recruits. I used to really enjoy tracking recruits (especially potential transfers), although in the last couple years I've been too busy.
Okay I see. I am relatively new to Twitter/X/whatever it's called these days, so I didn't know about those options. Thanks for the explanation.
Happens every year... Players pick a team because they think its a better program because it has "FBS" attached to it.

But 70% of the FBS schools are trash and will never win a bowl game or even a league championship
Yep, but some players and majority of folks (whether we like it or not) see teams like UMass as D1 and the FCS as D2.

A large number of folks love the FCS, but an even larger number of folks don’t care about anything other than the big boys.