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New Season Ticket Packages


Well-known member
Anyone here about new season ticket packages going on sale. I thought I read it was supposed to be this Monday the 6th but nothing is up. Have a few buddies looking to get some
Hate to say it but I had to let my season tickets go. Didn’t make it to a single game last year (except the NDSU playoff game), and with my wife’s parents health situation, all travel in the near future will be to Phoenix, not Montana.
Hate to say it but I had to let my season tickets go. Didn’t make it to a single game last year (except the NDSU playoff game), and with my wife’s parents health situation, all travel in the near future will be to Phoenix, not Montana.
Sorry to hear that... one less Griz fan on the plane from San Antonio...
Anyone here about new season ticket packages going on sale. I thought I read it was supposed to be this Monday the 6th but nothing is up. Have a few buddies looking to get some
Adjustments are being made to current season ticket holder’s seats. The ticket office expects to be calling all new season ticket holders by the end of the month. There is nothing to worry about, the box office is just behind schedule. You should probably be more concerned if they were on time, lol 😂
Adjustments are being made to current season ticket holder’s seats. The ticket office expects to be calling all new season ticket holders by the end of the month. There is nothing to worry about, the box office is just behind schedule. You should probably be more concerned if they were on time, lol 😂
Thank you for this
Hate to say it but I had to let my season tickets go. Didn’t make it to a single game last year (except the NDSU playoff game), and with my wife’s parents health situation, all travel in the near future will be to Phoenix, not Montana.
Praying for your wife's parents speedy recovery . I know how tough that must be. Hope everything gets better for you guys.
We’re on a cruise right now and she’s beside herself with worry. Just not worth it. So, thanks for the wishes.
Well, you know the trick that usually gets people's minds off of stuff like that? You have to do whatever you can to make them laugh. It's like that oldie but goodie movie Patch Adams and Robin Williams would do whatever he could to make them laugh. I know it's not the exact same thing but laughter is such a great healing tool in times of stress. I'm sure you know a ton of things that can make your wife laugh. Maybe next time when you guys are walking on the cruise ship, just moon her. Haha. Good luck brother!
Well, you know the trick that usually gets people's minds off of stuff like that? You have to do whatever you can to make them laugh. It's like that oldie but goodie movie Patch Adams and Robin Williams would do whatever he could to make them laugh. I know it's not the exact same thing but laughter is such a great healing tool in times of stress. I'm sure you know a ton of things that can make your wife laugh. Maybe next time when you guys are walking on the cruise ship, just moon her. Haha. Good luck brother!
We got shitfaced a couple nights ago, had the time of our lives. Took a couple selfies in our cabin where you could see she was really relaxed and having a great time…so good to see. But it’s back there, lingering on her mind, almost always. Gonna be some tough times back at the ranch when this cruise is over.

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