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U.S and World response to the ‘rona virus (Adults Only Please)

Dutch Lane

Well-known member
Starting a new thread down here in the basement. the 2-3 threads upstairs are really getting gummed up and more politically driven and me being big part of the problem lol. So With no sports to try to foster a thread that does some deep research dives like PR does to flesh out what the fuck is exactly going on and what and why things are happening and what’s the best course forward. Maybe limit to say 300 characters per post and with the rules being are there are no rules so not for the meek or thin skinned, kinda like an unfiltered open skate on the Covid-19 Coronavirus or the ‘rona for short.

So let me throw out a bone to start it off:

Should the state by state patchwork response to the ‘rona that morphed into a whole sale lockdown except in a lot of the south, and/or was it a good or bad idea? And where does the blame lie, i.e. what are the facts and what is spin and what drove it to happen the way it did. Thanks for playing and I vow to stay off of the other boards if this gets any play. Thanks :thumb:
I think things are starting to come into focus by looking and comparing international data against the US. And then look at when and what measures were taken. I think Taiwan ranks first in the world for the most effective initial response. What did it do that was different from the West
Dutch Lane said:
I think things are starting to come into focus by looking and comparing international data against the US. And then look at when and what measures were taken. I think Taiwan ranks first in the world for the most effective initial response. What did it do that was different from the West

they have a pandemic team that went into action very early, initiating over 100 actions, if i remember correctly. they also know not to trust anything the ccp says.
I try to avoid publishing anything political on the Griz football page, cause I'm not American and it's really none of my business. But as Justin Trudeau's father said (see we have political dynasties, just like you guys and North Korea) "living next door to America is like sleeping next to an elephant, if they roll over, you're going to know." What's it like having a leader who breaks every convention your nation is built on? He says/tweets something everyday that would have brought down every President before him. Remember when the US was up in arms because VP Quayle spelled Potato wrong? It's fascinating, as an outsider, he appears to have no redeeming qualities other than he's not representing the other party. Wasn't it a heads up when a "billionaire" wouldn't show his tax returns? Didn't all the Presidents before MAGA do that? No alarm systems there? Really?
argh! said:
Dutch Lane said:
I think things are starting to come into focus by looking and comparing international data against the US. And then look at when and what measures were taken. I think Taiwan ranks first in the world for the most effective initial response. What did it do that was different from the West

they have a pandemic team that went into action very early, initiating over 100 actions, if i remember correctly. they also know not to trust anything the ccp says.

I still dont get how this could have happened here? We have the cdc, WHO then of course the cia and dod spying on everyone including Taiwan. Who in our government trusts the ccp? The after action on this is going to be so tragic because of the total incompetence of our government starting with Trump. Vietnam a 3rd world country that shares a border with China has under 300 cases and no deaths. WTAF. Vietnam closed off all flights to and from China. Thats pretty much all it did and remember they did that 2 days after Trump banned Chinese nationals from entering the county. The problem is he let everyone else in the country even if they were coming from China which more then 40,000 did and then finally way too late closed off travel from all of Europe.

How disruptive would it have been for DHS to say okay all travelers from China are banned and all travelers from other countries who have recently traveled to China are banned. That’s what passport control was invented for to see where people have traveled from. It’s been around for decades. If you ever watch NArcos it’s pretty easy to cross reference passenger travel. The tragedy is that Trump did not have the intelligence or competence to say just do it. Remember this is the guy who said just do it to any and Muslim travelers when he first took office. Where would we be right now? Similar to Taiwan or Vietnam or even China? We are number fucking one in infections and deaths and the economy is collapsing. This isn’t all on China because it was more then possible to have been contained and controlled. Trump fucked up and didn’t pay attention when he was advised repeatedly and early on because of the intelligence we gathered from China in November. This will all come out in a few years but consider he has more resources of all kinds then any other country in the world and he failed to use them or heed their warnings. And he still has no coherent plan for our country but he’s running for re-election when he should be running away in shame for having caused this catastrophe of a response to a pandemic. He said something like “who would have saw this coming?” We have a federal transition law that requires out going administrations to meet with their counter parts in the in coming administration to be briefed on intelligence and world affairs and national threats. Will guess what the last administration briefed Trumps team that the number one national security threat was a pandemic worse then SAR and n1h1. They even presented them with a pandemic instructions manual and then they did pandemic war game with them. Trump has had 3 years to prepare for this it was all there in the materials they received in the transition meetings and his daily intelligence briefings that he didn’t read. Anyone care to defend his criminally negligent response? Thanks :thumb:

Ps. Trump will go down in history as this century’s Herbert Hoover.
Dutch Lane said:
argh! said:
they have a pandemic team that went into action very early, initiating over 100 actions, if i remember correctly. they also know not to trust anything the ccp says.

I still dont get how this could have happened here? We have the cdc, WHO then of course the cia and dod spying on everyone including Taiwan. Who in our government trusts the ccp? The after action on this is going to be so tragic because of the total incompetence of our government starting with Trump. Vietnam a 3rd world country that shares a border with China has under 300 cases and no deaths. WTAF. Vietnam closed off all flights to and from China. Thats pretty much all it did and remember they did that 2 days after Trump banned Chinese nationals from entering the county. The problem is he let everyone else in the country even if they were coming from China which more then 40,000 did and then finally way too late closed off travel from all of Europe.

How disruptive would it have been for DHS to say okay all travelers from China are banned and all travelers from other countries who have recently traveled to China are banned. That’s what passport control was invented for to see where people have traveled from. It’s been around for decades. If you ever watch NArcos it’s pretty easy to cross reference passenger travel. The tragedy is that Trump did not have the intelligence or competence to say just do it. Remember this is the guy who said just do it to any and Muslim travelers when he first took office. Where would we be right now? Similar to Taiwan or Vietnam or even China? We are number f###[#] one in infections and deaths and the economy is collapsing. This isn’t all on China because it was more then possible to have been contained and controlled. Trump f###[#] up and didn’t pay attention when he was advised repeatedly and early on because of the intelligence we gathered from China in November. This will all come out in a few years but consider he has more resources of all kinds then any other country in the world and he failed to use them or heed their warnings. And he still has no coherent plan for our country but he’s running for re-election when he should be running away in shame for having caused this catastrophe of a response to a pandemic. He said something like “who would have saw this coming?” We have a federal transition law that requires out going administrations to meet with their counter parts in the in coming administration to be briefed on intelligence and world affairs and national threats. Will guess what the last administration briefed Trumps team that the number one national security threat was a pandemic worse then SAR and n1h1. They even presented them with a pandemic instructions manual and then they did pandemic war game with them. Trump has had 3 years to prepare for this it was all there in the materials they received in the transition meetings and his daily intelligence briefings that he didn’t read. Anyone care to defend his criminally negligent response? Thanks :thumb:

Ps. Trump will go down in history as this century’s Herbert Hoover.

vietnam also instituted social distancing and mandatory masks very early, and quarantined chinese who were already there, including a doctor friend of mine. so, while they did make us and others look silly, it was by doing more than just shutting the border. otherwise, pretty much agree.

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