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Tailgate Success & Game Pictures


Well-known member
Thanks to all those who came from egriz.com to the tailgate, and thanks to everyone who came who wasn't from Egriz.com.

We had a blast, and it was great meeting you all. I'm just glad the cops didn't show up as I think the average age towards the end was about 18. :wink:

If we do it again, we'll have to be a bit more select as to who is taking tap hits.

Anyway, check out my site for some of my pics and thoughts of the game.

Thanks again, it was a great season opener!

Hey Jim.....when they do get the jumbo tron in...will you take a couple of pics of it from different angels and post them. I would love to see what they are doing to my favorite stdium!
Totally spaced taking a pic of the temporary jumbo tron. I'll get some this next weekend. It's right behind us and I didn't have a good shot at it.

Great Game Geaux, you dont know what you're missing!

The new one is in Wisconsin right now. On it's merry little way. Hey wouldn't it be nice to have the temp. one in the north end so all you south enders can get a clear view? :lol:

Hey Geaux, man im sorry you can't make it up here. You missed one spectacular showing. Picture this: the crowd (19,511) is bubbling with anticipation, from out of the tunnel comes the unmistakeable sound of a Harley. vrooooommmm vroooooommmm. Could it be??? Oh baby, it is Monte on a hog!!! 8) Talk about a fired up crowd. My voice already had the rasp of a full day of yelling. It just went haywire from there. If there were a better place for football you'd have to check your tickets at the pearly gates. What a great game. Between the 57 yard field goal, and the RB show, I was just in awe. We have got to hand it to Albany, thay had alot of nuts to come all the way out here and get dismantled. Don't let the score fool you. They played a very tough game. But when your up aginst the GRIZ, tough is not enough. And speaking of nuts. How about Levander, huh, what a brave soul. Brave or plum crazy. I swear he can smell the breath of the kicking team before he catches tha ball. Fair catch? whats a fair catch? Well I could go on and on.

(by the way that Harley was a Polaris??? :-? They make motorcycles?)
Jim. Sure wish I could have made it to the tailgate. Hopefully next game.

Nice comentary n-zone, i think a vivid picture will come to GeauGriz's mind. Not to mention the skydivers. When each of their feet hit the field's surface the crowd let out a roar. And although the crowd seems to get louder during close games, we kept the noise going late in the game regardless of the obvious outcome.

Levander "no fair catch" "no fear" "the bullet" Segars. This guy definately has to scare special team coaches around the conference.
Hey everyone, I will post pictures of Saturdays game tonight. I got some pictures of the temporary jumbotron, so they will be on too.

As soon as I get back to Missoula from Spokane tonight, I will post them, thanks, eGriz.com
here is a picture of the temporary jumbotron screen. This is the best picture I have of it, so enjoy!!

GoodGodGriz ~ I really enjoy your posts and pictures. However, what is this "South End Zone Rules" stuff? The best seats in the house (and the best fans BY FAR) are the north end zonies. :D Just thought you'd like to know.
thats what I'm talking about. We are all Griz Fans, no matter where we sit!!
Heck, we should all feel lucky to have tickets. But I think a little friendly rivalry might just produce even more noise from the fans. Maybe a decible meter is what we need. I saw someone last year with one. Anyone have one that could give us some numbers for this week's game?
Yeah.....I'd take any seat in the house on weekends.....You all are very blessed to go! LSU Sucks this year......do NOT bet on them! :evil:
It's no secret where my seats are. Hence the name. But this weekend i'll be on the south side. Our Little Griz team is playing at halftime. We will have the whole troop down there. I'll check out first hand how "crazy" the south end is. So live it up on the south side. And be nice to the crazy n-zone nut making all the noise.

By the way, cheer for Meadow Gold at halftime!