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Hunting with Dick Cheney


Well-known member
Was this an accident or did Bush just want this guy dead?

He probably said something bad about the administration at some point, you don't do that in DC anymore you know :lol:
This will give Cheney an excuse to say he's not a chickenhawk anymore! Well, he has shot someone! :tounge:
note to self:

1) when hunting do not walk past a person or two who are hunting without announcing that i am doing that

2) if i do get shot while attempting said manuver unanounced it is my damn fault

3) i can always blame the shooter for my dumb mistake
Hells bells said:
note to self:

1) when hunting do not walk past a person or two who are hunting without announcing that i am doing that

2) if i do get shot while attempting said manuver unanounced it is my damn fault

3) i can always blame the shooter for my dumb mistake

I never realized that people would ignore everything they learned in Hunter's Safety in order to advance bizarre partisan theories that a guy who messed up didn't mess up.

I seem to remember being told quite a few times to make sure you knew where everyone else was before you pulled the trigger, and not to pull the trigger if you weren't 100% sure. And, above all, don't shoot people.

Cheney messed up. It's that simple. It's not a big deal (especially as it sounds like the guy will be okay), but it's sad that people feel compelled to come up with bizarre excuses to justify it.
Seriously.......why couldn't Cheney have invited Hannity to go quail hunting with him?

I wish there was a jumping off a cliff emoticon. Hannity sucks.
another blunder from the the gang that can't shoot straight! whether's it's going after the wrong guy for 9/11, getting the pre-war intelligence wrong, misjudging the insurgency, failing to catch bin-laden, bungling katrina, blowing social security reform, getting a white house aide indicted or letting themselves get tarnished by one of the biggest political scandals in the history of the country, the cheney administration has managed to pull off a topper--mistaking a man for a bird!
citygriz said:
another blunder from the the gang that can't shoot straight! whether's it's going after the wrong guy for 9/11, getting the pre-war intelligence wrong, misjudging the insurgency, failing to catch bin-laden, bungling katrina, blowing social security reform, getting a white house aide indicted or letting themselves get tarnished by one of the biggest political scandals in the history of the country, the cheney administration has managed to pull off a topper--mistaking a man for a bird!

If this is all you can come up with to try and put a blemish on this great administration, you may want to go down a different road.
citygriz said:
another blunder from the the gang that can't shoot straight! whether's it's going after the wrong guy for 9/11, getting the pre-war intelligence wrong, misjudging the insurgency, failing to catch bin-laden, bungling katrina, blowing social security reform, getting a white house aide indicted or letting themselves get tarnished by one of the biggest political scandals in the history of the country, the cheney administration has managed to pull off a topper--mistaking a man for a bird!

If this is all you can come up with to try and put a blemish on this great administration, you may want to go down a different road.
If that is ALL he can come up with?! Isn't that enough? :tounge:
Seriously.......why couldn't Cheney have invited Hannity to go quail hunting with him?

I wish there was a jumping off a cliff emoticon. Hannity sucks.

Holy crap did I read this right alpha? :tounge: Your stock may have just risen a little. :party:

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