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Helmets for today....


Well-known member
Don't say one fucking negative word about these. If you do, HannahO will give you dick cancer or ball cancer or some other cancer of her choosing. I think that's how it works anyway. Go Griz.

Wyoming's helmets for today's border war game with Colorado State. I would love to see the Griz do something similar using the seal for our great state.
biga75 said:

Wyoming's helmets for today's border war game with Colorado State. I would love to see the Griz do something similar using the seal for our great state.

Those were neat. I really liked their all yellow unis too.

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GrizMusician said:
biga75 said:

Wyoming's helmets for today's border war game with Colorado State. I would love to see the Griz do something similar using the seal for our great state.

Those were neat. I really liked their all yellow unis too.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

Wyo got thumped by a not very good CSU team. They should spend more time on improving as a team and less on uni-shenanigans.
Most likely a silver helmet like last week, with a camo Griz script.

Went to the bookstore today. Their "special edition" Griz camo shirts are awful. Just bad.

I sent them this last season and never heard anything back.
