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Only for the Air Force guys…they like that stuff…the other services may not respond as kindly.
Come on now! Let's just say, Air Force Combat Controllers and Para rescue guys have to save more Seals than Air Force Security Forces...
Easy on the Air Force..or as all my former Army and Navy buddies referred to as "Chair Force." But to be honest I spent 4 years and never was really in harms way or close to it. And so I am kinda uncomfortable being lumped together with combat vets when people throw the "thank you for your service." Two completely different experiences.

Not to me Rico. You swore the Oath.
Thoughts on a playful nut tap or whimsical ass grab?

Truth is the vast majority of Servicemembers don't know how to react to this sentiment. I've served in excess of 30 years and it is still cumbersome to me.

Some are grateful for the sentiment. Some think it is misplaced. Others think it is "lame."

I've always just tried to see the best in people being sincere...and I just try to smile and say thank you.

Those who serve don't ask for and certainly don't expect anything special. We are an All Volunteer force...people owe us nothing.

So, whether lame or not...just do what is in your heart. Life is easier when you're a kind human.
As a veteran I rarely where my hat but do on special occasions.I certainly get respect and smiles which I appreciate inside. Sometimes people thank me for my service.It does feel awkward but I once hear a veteran respond back with " thanks for your support" when someone thanked him.I though that was quite appropriate and it seems to me like a nice comeback.
Not to me Rico. You swore the Oath.
Same. That wasn’t YOUR decision. I did 11 years active, 13 years reserves…was never in “combat” either…again, not by choice. Lots of guys from my ship crossdecked for Desert Storm, and lots of guys from my reserve unit saw time in theatre during the “2nd” Iraq war…my name/number just wasn’t called.
Avoiding financial harassment requires vigilance and awareness of potential threats. First, safeguard your personal information, such as bank account details, passwords, and identification documents. Be wary of unsolicited communications, especially those requesting sensitive information or offering financial services. Regularly monitor your financial accounts for any unauthorized transactions or suspicious activity.
Griz fans don't need financial advice. However, all of our cat-fan employees do. Please visit them at litterbox.com
Griz fans don't need financial advice. However, all of our cat-fan employees do. Please visit them at litterbox.com
Now that we see that a spam robot can create an account, it has become more clear how one or two users can have 10 or more accounts at one time.
Now that we see that a spam robot can create an account, it has become more clear how one or two users can have 10 or more accounts at one time.
I see this mentioned at times. Is this really a concern or a thing here? I get that maybe somebody gets banned and makes a new account, but I've wondered if this is actually happening or just something people assume is happening.

I'm not trying to use questions to poke holes at you, I genuinely don't know and you have been here longer than I have.
You can hit the report button below the fraudulent post to bring it to the Mods attention. Bummer Egriz has to deal with bots, but that’s the world we live in.
I see this mentioned at times. Is this really a concern or a thing here? I get that maybe somebody gets banned and makes a new account, but I've wondered if this is actually happening or just something people assume is happening.

I'm not trying to use questions to poke holes at you, I genuinely don't know and you have been here longer than I have.
IDK if it's a concern, but it's definitely a thing. I think a lot of people currently have multiple accounts. Hell, a buddy and I ran an alter-ego account on here over a decade ago trying to be funny. It got boring.
IDK if it's a concern, but it's definitely a thing. I think a lot of people currently have multiple accounts. Hell, a buddy and I ran an alter-ego account on here over a decade ago trying to be funny. It got boring.
Interesting. That would significantly reduce the number of real people posting.
Spent the day today at the Normandy American Cemetary and Omaha Beach….

Now there’s something that’ll give you some perspective on life.

Godspeed, Soldier, and all who run towards the fire.
Place is special.

I had a chance to enter the water with fellow Soldiers to meet our Command Sergeant Major...who unfurled our colors as we walked onto the beach.

Among my very best memories.

Greatest Generation was one-of-a-kind.
Spent the day today at the Normandy American Cemetary and Omaha Beach….

Now there’s something that’ll give you some perspective on life.

Godspeed, Soldier, and all who run towards the fire.
From the overlook at the Cemetery, if you look slightly to the left, that's Dog Green Sector of Omaha Beach. In the movie Saving Private Ryan, you will see the name Dog Green Sector on the screen, right before the German machine guns opened up on our Boys and their landing craft. https://warfarehistorynetwork.com/article/d-day-landing-at-omaha-beach/

Almost 10,000 US soldiers buried at the Cemetery.

"Dog Green sector of Omaha Beach, the deadliest place on 6 June 1944. It was here that more than half of A Company, 116th Infantry Regiment, was slaughtered in the first wave of Americans to land"

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